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  1. phatfarmerbob

    New Yorkistans $6.1 BILLION dollar shortfall

    Bravo good sir ! They could start with the half of our farm that they took back in the 70’s. We’ll buy it back for what they paid minus the rent from the past 40 some years.
  2. phatfarmerbob

    2018-19 Trapping Discussion

    2 coon 2 grinner 2 muskrats 1 red fox All the good pics have the boys in them so they don’t get posted. I’ll do better at solo pics with the critters as the season progresses. Hope to get a fisher I have untill DEC 10
  3. phatfarmerbob

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    I wear a thermal and a tee shirt. than the dewalt Than coveralls or a larger jacket over it to keep the heat in. that way you can run it on low and get more time per battery. Ymmv
  4. phatfarmerbob

    2018-19 Trapping Discussion

    All set to get some steel out this weekend. Can’t wait for season to open on water critters.
  5. phatfarmerbob

    2019-20 Hiunting Season

    I bought a dewalt heated jacket 2 years ago, it’s freaking awesome!!! Takes the same batteries as my tools and you get 2.5 hr on high per battery. Simple to change out too. I wear a tee, under a light long sleeve. Then the dewalt then a pair of coveralls to keep the warm in. My toes drive me out...
  6. phatfarmerbob

    Any waterfowl hunters here

    Everywhere you need to use steel for water fowl! They will check too so don’t cheat. I use 3” BB for geese and #2 for mallard #4 for wood duck I try and pick whatever is the fastest fps. Usually I use Kent
  7. phatfarmerbob

    Any waterfowl hunters here

    When the geese are flying it’s a blast! When their not you’ll wish you were deer hunting. Hudson valley is a 2 bird limit so when it’s good you’ll be done by 7am and can still get to work. Early season was 15 bag limit but the geese weren’t here. Sometimes they are and it’s fun. duck is always...
  8. phatfarmerbob

    Announcement - Catskillkid Running for Public Office

    Same guy who voted against UnSafe right? In his first term too. I give him credit for that he’s got balls. (If we’re talking about the same guy)
  9. phatfarmerbob

    Panties in a bunch over missing ammo

    Hahha I have had a half a box of black cloud #2 rolling around my back seat since duck season ended! At this point I’ll just leave it till oct 19 ?
  10. phatfarmerbob

    Security Camera Thread - Home Solution Write Up

    I dealt with Andy absolutely no problems don’t worry. It’s amazing how quick stuff comes from China.
  11. phatfarmerbob

    Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed the Farm Workers Bill,

    Price of food isn’t going anywhere, nys farms are going to go out of business and the “local” food is gonna come from PA. 99.9 percent of nys residents won’t notice or care and we creep a little closer to the fulfillment of agenda 21. Good job NYS! And a giant FUAC
  12. phatfarmerbob

    Shooting while driving. 76 Shots, 2 Cops, and a Deadly Chase

    Reckless, and looks like it would be a fun course sans the bystanders and someone shooting back. ( I know he wasn’t shooting back it was an air gun)
  13. phatfarmerbob

    I need a favor: AR barrel nut wrench to borrow

    I have a geusilee reaction rod and wrench exit 5 I can leave it on the porch LMK
  14. phatfarmerbob

    Bug Out Bag Essentials

    @cgrutt your good, your bringing tools no worries:rock:
  15. phatfarmerbob

    Bug Out Bag Essentials

    Haha I have one friend, he’s an engineer... he used to say that I would need an engineer. I told him unless he has his sister with him who’s a nurse he would be getting a head shot. Guess he got the last laugh, he went to the mountains outside of Asheville in part because of the safe act and...
  16. phatfarmerbob

    Bug Out Bag Essentials

    So many of my friends say “when SHTF I’m coming to your house” I just smile and say unless your bringing something to the table you’ll never make it up the driveway. They laugh and spend their money and time on stupid shit and that’s fine. Chances are If it’s that bad I won’t be here anyway and...
  17. phatfarmerbob

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    :ROFL: Double dog dare ya.
  18. phatfarmerbob

    Did Cuomo Get to UPS

    Yea man the guy was such a douch it was so annoying. There’s one in new Windsor
  19. phatfarmerbob

    Did Cuomo Get to UPS

    Was it Chester ? Walked into Chester with a BLR all boxed up in a brown unmarked box. And the first thing the guy said was oh I know what that is. Then he goes I hope you have a copy of the FFL that it’s going to. I told him no it was going to A smith and he wouldn’t accept it. I had to go...
  20. phatfarmerbob

    NYC Assembly woman release bill Prop A600 to stop Pheasant hunting

    Yes a navigational waterway that runs through your property can be floated. If there is a tree across and you need to portage that’s legal too. Driving down a farm road and parking your truck to put in a boat is trespassing you need to access the water from public property or private property...
  21. phatfarmerbob

    Hudson Manufacturing files bankruptcy

    Hudson Manufacturing, Makers of the H9, Files for Bankruptcy @Eddie Gunks looks like your pals couldn’t cut it. If I remember correctly these were the guys you had nothing but good things to say about.
  22. phatfarmerbob

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    Hysterical, my friends were having a party and I was late to show up. They talked about Shutting all the lights off and trying to kidnapp me and one of them was like dude we can do that he’ll probably shoot one of us. Makes me think about those pranks when they punk people for a joke ( that...
  23. phatfarmerbob

    Assembly Lawmaker Wants A Beer And Wine Tax

    Perfectly legal to make your own beer and wine. Not so with liquor. This is something I really detest because I love making beer and cider and I’m sure I could make some great booze. Possession of a still greater than 1 gallon is a felony in NY. And you can be damn sure if you get caught not...
  24. phatfarmerbob

    Senate floor debate on mandatory storage

    Hahaha so how exactly is a kid under 16 supposed to hunt? Ridiculous ... how about all those grandpas with glass gun cabinets in the den. This is absurd.
  25. phatfarmerbob

    North Korea Has Probably Weaponized Space Already

    Well aside from not having access to medical treatment and medicines. I say let’s give it a whirl, things will get real quick! Maybe it’s that reset we need. Then again maybe not, I would feel bad for how tough it would be on the kids.
  26. phatfarmerbob

    NJ Gov Murphy to propose fee increase for firearm permits

    Pretty soon people will look at the gun permit the same way they look at the dog permit... um yeah no thanks. I did it one time for my dog and it was such a pain in the ass that the next year I just told them the dog died.
  27. phatfarmerbob

    OAC Has A Message For All Of Us

    Hey @kev74 didn’t that guy juanjo live on Tolmen? I don’t remember if he was from this forum or the other place.
  28. phatfarmerbob

    Help Needed Buffer Retainer Spring

    Sorry I didn’t get home till late. Glad you found it. I did have one in an oops kit . Definitely get one it’s worth it. I recently sent a gas block roll pin flying and had to drive 1 hour round trip to get another. What a pita.
  29. phatfarmerbob

    Help Needed Buffer Retainer Spring

    I’ll check when I get home I’m in ORange
  30. phatfarmerbob

    DD Ranch - No Private Transfers

    You see, all the great dealers get so much business that they retire early and move to lady boy land. So we’re just stuck with the shitty ones, while the good ones are spending our money in Thailand... just sayin
  31. phatfarmerbob

    WTB 9mm cast mold

    Noe Bullet moulds. Google them.
  32. phatfarmerbob

    the rule of law?

    Your wife is alive and that’s all that matters. End of story.
  33. phatfarmerbob

    it is now legal in New York to have an abortion within 24 weeks of delivery

    My son was born at 28 weeks, here he is now. Sorry late term is bullshit, figure your shit out in the first two months. ( I’m alright with medical issues later than that but that’s me and not forcing my opinion on others and don’t think tax money should pay for it)
  34. phatfarmerbob

    Wood Milling

    I’m not sure but it’s worth a try, it would be free...
  35. phatfarmerbob

    Wood Milling

    Also check with morrisvill the NRCS guys might have one and come do it for you for a class.
  36. phatfarmerbob

    Wood Milling

    What if you load up your logs and take it to one of the farmers... that would be a lot less of a pita for them.
  37. phatfarmerbob


    My son is 11 and I try and do as much as I can with him. It’s hard being in my late 30s cause of so much work and house projects. I hope one day to have a grandson/ granddaughter and be able to do what you do with yours. Bravo sir!
  38. phatfarmerbob

    Security Camera Thread - Home Solution Write Up

    Nah I’m not gonna channel @Darth On second thought maybe we can link a page to the bar, I’m sure you all would love to watch my wife snore while I Netflix and scratch my balls. The bedroom is old news the kitchen is where the magic happens.
  39. phatfarmerbob

    Security Camera Thread - Home Solution Write Up

    So I have the 4 corners of the house covered and I have two cameras left to put up. Should I double up and have redundant views with a different angle or put a couple inside? Just looking for input.
  40. phatfarmerbob

    Ruger PCC Accessories Thread

    Ok thanks buddy, should be all set now I appreciate the help
  41. phatfarmerbob

    Ruger PCC Accessories Thread

    Thanks @Willjr75 where is a good price on the QD sling attachment?
  42. phatfarmerbob

    Wood Milling

    Meat birds are great I did 6 the first year. Then I decide “that was easy” so the next year I did 40 bad idea. I got busy and wasn’t able to process them on time. Ended up doing two night sessions in the middle of busy season. And getting birds that dressed between 8-10 pounds. If you do it be...
  43. phatfarmerbob

    Small generator/inverter questions

    You guys don’t need one.. wife and I picked this up there will never be another power outage again! 70 hours on a fill up and purrs real quit at low RPM. Used with 1120 hours my research says good to 10k hours before rebuild. ( we do have party’s in the back field and this will light it up nicely)
  44. phatfarmerbob

    WTB S&W 22a OWB holster lefty version

    title says it. I need one for my trapping line so I’m not throwing this puppy in my pack. Figured I’d ask here before buying from someone else. LEFT HANDED
  45. phatfarmerbob

    Ruger PCC Accessories Thread

    Hey @Willjr75 got a specific sling you are interested in recommending? I ordered the LOP and the MLOK rail can’t decide on a sling
  46. phatfarmerbob

    Fl renewal

    Sorry didn’t see @masterswimmer reply thanks
  47. phatfarmerbob

    Fl renewal

    So sheriffs office ? Or trooper barracks? I’m not sure where to go...