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  1. DirtyDeeds

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    At the last election - 2022 - Sullivan County ushered in Dominion Voting Systems - - - it's like a punch in the gut actually seeing them - yep - pointless comes to mind.
  2. DirtyDeeds

    Is anything better since Bruen?

    Hi Folks, Well - we've seen a great deal of enthusiasm in the 2A community for Bruen - - - has ANYTHING actually improved for us - the state that filed Bruen? We now need NY State Background Checks to purchase ammo. Semiautomatic Shotguns must be entered into a NY State Gun Registry...
  3. DirtyDeeds

    Civil Action against Politicians

    Hi Folks, Thanks for the responses. I'm not a lawyer - just a thought from our oppositions' playbook. As we've seen lately - when one unconstitutional gun law gets stopped - they just create a new one to start the process all over again. Thinking outside the box - would it be possible to make...
  4. DirtyDeeds

    Civil Action against Politicians

    Hi Folks, Re: 42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights. Since we've had a great deal of recent clarification on what our Constitutional Rights actually entail - has anyone tried to hold the politicians personally responsible? Regards, Scott
  5. DirtyDeeds

    Pistol Permit (4) References?

    Hi Folks, Whoa - good read and far more responses than I expected. Thanks for the interest and ideas - - - some good laughs too. Yeah - maybe I'll just jump through the hoops and use my references - heck - I can even provide some from NYPD. As suggested - perhaps the County will think twice...
  6. DirtyDeeds

    Pistol Permit (4) References?

    Hi Folks, RE: Possess/Carry Pistol Is anyone challenging (post Bruen) New York's clearly subjective test - where we need to have (4) references that reside within our county - to vouch for us before the...