Notice this pay raise like all other unpopular, unconstitutional hidden agendas was passed IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? Mr. Governor, put your dirty laundry before the people. You are not an honest man.
The brass cartridge case firing handguns and rifles I have, I load for them. Plenty of brass, powder, primers and bullets for all. What they are is none of the government‘s business.
NJ is one of a handful of states that require you to disclose the fact you are in possession of a handgun. In NYS you don’t have to tell the police you are in possession unless specifically asked.
New York State has become a cesspool of NYC crap over the years. The Second Amendment has become meaningless. We live under Cuomo Law in WNY, Upstate and any other place not NYC / Albany. The writing is becoming clear, the time to act is now. The governor has essentially imposed Martial Law.
Again NEW YORK STATE’s Andy Cuomo IN TNE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT SHOVES MORE ANTI “We The People” UNCONSTITUTIONAL LEGISLATION. Virginia, this is not a path you want to be on.
If I was an ass (which I can be), she is in violation of the law since her purse (read gun) is not on her person. Then again your song is hilariously funny and correct!
Look up “Mernickle Custom Holsters. I have a gun belt from them that I have had and wear every day for over 5 years and it hardly shows wear. Give a close look at their holsters. I have 5 of them. Much better than Kydex / plastic.
Gun buybacks are actually theft. They won’t give you tne actual value. How can they have a buy back when “they” didn’t own it in the first place. This plan is for fools, idiots and Democrats.
I’m not a fan of a weapon mounted light for self defense. Gives away position, removes element of surprise and makes any firearm more difficult to maneuver.
If this happened in NYS you can’t lock your gun in your car. Sounds like a. Similar incident I Had with a rent-a-cop at a Christmas concert in Tonawanda NY. I told the fool who was fondling all male patrons and putting his hands in the the ladies purses that he was breaking the law a violating...
I don’t like the 357 for bear.. The 44 is fine. I. Prefer a heavy loaded 45 Colt. Regardless of firearm, you need to be very proficient with it. Heavy hard cast wide meplat.
6 (revolver) or 7+1 / 8+1 depends on the magazine. By the way the Albany Criminal pushed the unconstitutional UNSAFE Act through in the middle of the night hiding it from We The People.