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  1. 45USA

    Newsome sings bill in CA to increase fast food workers wages to $22/hour

    When the weirdos can’t find a job or if their hours get cut, they’ll just flock to conservative areas surrounding the state and still be libtards.
  2. 45USA

    uuum? Can Muslims be good American's....

    What’s good for our beautiful country is bad for the democrats (fascists) and what’s good for the democrats is bad for our country.. so muzzies are bad.
  3. 45USA

    Fox News Is Fake News, Change My Mind.

    I only read Breitbart and that alone should red flag me, even though their articles make me scratch my head sometimes. I’m too far right now.
  4. 45USA

    9th Circuit OPEN CARRY Ruling OVERTURNED?

    Thanks bro!!! Glad to have left NYC. I hope to see many others follow along.
  5. 45USA

    9th Circuit OPEN CARRY Ruling OVERTURNED?

    Being limited to ten round mags isn’t really considered well rounded. You should see my collection.
  6. 45USA

    Senate floor debate on mandatory storage

    Do not comply with this shit!!
  7. 45USA

    Maryland they are pushing for a LONG GUN QUALIFICATION LICENSE!

    I would flee New York as soon as possible. The state it is currently in is complete socialist shit.