When will the mandatory ethics trainings once again be forced upon the rank and file civil servant? They’ve consistently shouldered the burden for the actions of corrupt politicians who have no problem stealing from taxpayers while the corrupt politician faces no repercussions.
The Leftists snuck in the language into the omnibus knowing damn well that the RINOs wouldn’t bother reading it.
It worked.
For anyone wondering what time it is, well, it’s time.
Communists and Nazis have a long history of deflecting their actions upon their rivals, and without a media with journalistic integrity, there’s little stopping their actions… until they overreach.
The real question is, what is that tipping point?
If anyone should actually be stopped by NYSP LEO (most sheriffs won’t even bother with this latest round stupidity of Steck) for an out of state purchase, just start speaking a little Spanish and immediately declare asylum. Not only will you not be arrested, you’ll be given a pre-filled debit...
New York might as well be foreign soil at this point. WTH, it’s already descended into third world territory.
It’s time for the national divorce to commence. Tomorrow morning, I begin seeking employment in a free state.
If patriotic, normal, everyday citizens even knew a *tenth* of how taxpayer funds are misused and handed out like candy to buy votes and influence, they would march on Albany to oust the Socialists.
Time to invest in U-Haul stocks.
Its outbound business will be growing by leaps and bounds as people continue to flee this forsaken hell hole of a state.
This nation has endured the Socialist Democrats and their RINOs cousins for longer than our founders would have ever thought possible before the populace would have reversed the tyranny.
There’s a real underlying reason why the Dems want to divide the races, extinguish babies, and disarm the...
New York is going all-in on defying the Supreme Court ruling, yet it has zero problem accepting federal money for the continuation of its socialist programs.
If FUKH and NYS feel so strongly about the SCOTUS decision, it’s governmental leadership is free to resign en masse or call for outright secession. Otherwise, they need to accept the ruling.
We get the honor of paying even higher taxes to bankroll this travesty of legislation.
It will be interesting to see which Republican gubernatorial candidates decry this bill and pledge to overturn it if elected.
Not one solitary New Yorker should obtain or verify a license for anything ever again. Laws are obviously optional for everyone else except for law-abiding citizens, so it’s time for law-abiding citizens to behave like everyone else and ignore them entirely.
Let the entire system implode on itself.