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  1. C

    Lawmakers move to automate Selective Service registration for all men

    There are rumblings of including females in the registration. Personally, I don't wish that on any 18 yo. Do you want your kids going to Ukraine for the money grubbing gnome?
  2. C

    Riley Gaines blows Rogan’s mind when she shares never-before-told details of her swimming match against trans athlete Lia Thomas

    This is the third time I have said this today, we are screwed. Not in a good way either. Stick a fork in it, it seems done.
  3. C

    NY National Guard - Deployed

    Talk about a confluence of evil. Birds of a feather...not the picture I was looking for, it was her and Biden hanging onto each other. Looks like she has had more carving done on her face, I wish it would just break, her neck looks like a turkey and her face a peice of Saran Wrap. Sorry to be...
  4. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Really?? How many rifles shoot "pistol caliber"? There should be NO, NONE, NOTTA any checks on ammo. Yah, register pistol caliber rifles, another registry, are you for real??? That is what this is all about, a database, aka registry. Many years ago I went to purchase 9mm for hubs. I was at a...
  5. C

    NY Surveiling Interwebs For Hate Speech & Sending Goon Squad

    Haley was born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa on January 20, 1972, at Bamberg County Hospital in Bamberg, South Carolina, to immigrant Indian Sikh parents. From Wikipedia. Was changing her name cultural appropriation?
  6. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    The first problem, you are trying top make sense of it. I had to tell myself that many times in the last few years. This is a grab to make a database, clearly stated in the lgislation passed. For what purpose? We will find out soon enough. There is no need to get ammo to anyone at any time. We...
  7. C

    NY Surveiling Interwebs For Hate Speech & Sending Goon Squad

    Lessee, First Amendment Second Amendment Fourteenth Amendment Did I list them correctly? She just keeps on with her assault of.....most everything near and dear to many of us.
  8. C

    NY Surveiling Interwebs For Hate Speech & Sending Goon Squad

    Here is a link to an article, I have trouble going to X. I better not comment.
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    Throwing in the towel (as an FFL)

    LE is an extremely small part of our business. The guys that do come here are ones that you might want on your side if tshtf. To limit what we sell to just reloading and parts would not cut it. There are expenses to a business and that would not pay the bills. Since this has been somewhat...
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    Throwing in the towel (as an FFL)

    Again, thanks. I have had some really low days and the good thoughts help, good guys still matter and I know you are out there.
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    Throwing in the towel (as an FFL)

    Now we have "gun people" calling "unfair!" the fact that reloading componenets are not covered under the BGC. Give it time. Kids just got back from Maine, anxious to see what they thought. Heard lots of good things about Maine and New Hampshire. The animals keep us tied down for now but some...
  12. C

    Throwing in the towel (as an FFL)

    The problem there is getting old. And, the ATF is getting much worse. Thanks for the well wishes. I KNOW I am not wanted by the .gov. I will say this, putting NYS FFL's in the position of either complying with illegal regulations or going away was good. Much like was tried with covid...
  13. C

    Throwing in the towel (as an FFL)

    I have not made any secret that I am an FFL. Tried not to speak to much of the shop becasue I did not want to advertise. I did try to share info because there is lots of "stuff" out there. Some of you here have been to visit, one poster who is knowledgeable about the old guns and used to keep us...
  14. C

    NY’s Door-to-Door Crusade Against Homemade Guns Backfires, Unintentional Masterclass in Ghost-Gunsmithing

    And once again, it is ALL down state. Good thing to keep an eye on.
  15. C

    BIG DAY! FIVE 2A Cases Challenging New York's Post Bruen Gun Control!

    I wonder how much digging had to be done to find it! Seems like he is in the crosshairs. Yet, the fact Letitia James is now worth millions and Obama, Pelosi, etc. just keep on getting richer and no one seems to care.
  16. C

    Newsom meeting with Xi in China

    Tax dollars at work. Like Hochul going to Isreal. Newsome walks like he is a fancy man.....bleah.
  17. C

    "Ammunition Purchase" Permits

    Meanwhile the Second Circuit Court is doing what about the five lawsuits in front of it?
  18. C

    Multiple shootings in Maine

    He just checks so many boxes. First comment dh made. I wonder what drugs he was/is on. That info won't be made public. Hey, was the girl/he/ she /it, who also shot children, manifesto ever realeased? No, I don't think so.
  19. C

    Leticia James Failed To Disclose $770K "Loan" For Mortgage

    :puke: More of the same. So many, like her and Obama have gone from near nothing to millionaires, Cuomo from rich to richer even though he is a murderer (nursing homes). Pelosi from rich to filthy rich.
  20. C

    "Ammunition Purchase" Permits

    NO! NO! NO! Bruen SHOULD abolish the carry "permit". It is nothing but a registry. Just because everyone seems to be immune to it does not make it right. Also, everyone seems to forgt the CCIA has the provision to do MONTHLY bgc on all permit holders. Think it isn't coming? Well, just like the...
  21. C

    "Ammunition Purchase" Permits

    This is what I was sayng in the BGC thread. More asshat customers and politicians are calling for a "card" to get ammo. JUST GIVE YOUR RIGHTS AWAY! (Sorry for yelling.) More of the same old, this is awful so let's comprimise.
  22. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Somebody can tell you that you are wrong but it doesn't mean they are right ;).
  23. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Sorry, WRONG!!! NYS requires it. I have done just a few of these. Need for ammo too, as I stated.
  24. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Yet I cannot submit a check, gun or ammo, without a Soc Sec number. I hate facilitating an illegal activity.
  25. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I have said so much I figured guys were getting tired of me. It is beyond asinine. More ammo checks get delayed than pass. I think a good estimate of time to sell ammo is about ten minutes. I do not think the big box stores are going to keep selling. I get a knot in my stomach every time I do...
  26. C

    Another Canning Method ... Open Kettle

    Steam canner, hot water bath or pressure canner, proven methods for canning. The other "methods" are akin to the reloader who "wings it".
  27. C

    Leticia James Failed To Disclose $770K "Loan" For Mortgage

    Does anyone know the veracity of the source of the story? I am not familiar with it. I would really like to share that article. It appears well researched. But look at her "investigation" of Cuomo and how the nursing home murders have dropped off the radar. At first I did not know whether to...
  28. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Big box store policy, I bet. Now, there is a book to record the damn smokeless powder, that reg has been around for years. The guy that inspects that part told me if an Amish person, with no license comes in, well just record his info. I am guessing he would not rememberr that if confronted.
  29. C

    Another Canning Method ... Open Kettle

    Nope, been cannning for years. Do some research on botulism.
  30. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    The middle initital thing is a big box store issue. The 4473 states, "If legal name contains an initital only, record the initial followed by "IO" in quotes." The first bg check I ran thru NY was on me and I use my middle initital, always have. I also put "NO" for have you ever used a different...
  31. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    That is because of the way the system is set up. I have an account with NY to enter info. No one else is supposed to use my account. I use chrome incognito to access as it is a bit less glitchy. No matter how one slices this mess, it is a cluster and illegal. I don't think the big box stores...
  32. C

    What happened at the emergency SCOTUS meeting today?

    I have to admit, my view is pretty sour. Gets more so with every BG check. I had a glimmer of hope, not so much. Here is an excerpt from the email I recieved from Paloma A. Cappana (hope it is ok to list here) SCOTUS: “Denied.” This morning, as part of the case conference...
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    What happened at the emergency SCOTUS meeting today?

    I hope that is a legit site cause I donated. Nevermind, I am blind, I see the link.
  34. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Yup, had a guy buy a gun, bg went thru just fine. Wanted ammo, yeah no. He is still waiting. The stories are definitely true. I have more ammo waiting with name and phone number. The paperwork is a PIA! Trying to remember to call when it goes thru is gonna drive me crazy. This is so wrong.
  35. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I suspect there is legislation already written to circumvent anything SCOTUS might do, just waiting to be introduced.
  36. C

    Is New York About to Get the Shadow Docket

    This, I cannot get a good answer. Is it only the BG check part of the CCIA or the whole thing?
  37. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    It is getting more and more blatent. More is being said out loud. You really think the elections are honest? Further, have you looked at how NYC votes and the population numbers? The majority of this "legislation" was passed in an "emergency" so it went thru in 72 hours, no time to even...
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    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I am sitting here waiting, waiting on a BGC on a customer that always goes right on thru. I have to wonder if I should have run the ammo AFTER the rifle. Same money.
  39. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    The thread is long so here is a repeat. SS number is mandatory for all checks. Lots of delays on ammo, more than proceeds. The system is glitchy. Street address, nationality, height, weight and occupation mandatory for all checks. Do you feel the noose yet? As for crossing state lines with...
  40. C

    New ATF Rule Would Criminalize Even a Single Firearm Sale

    That is a proposed rule change, open comment period, please comment!
  41. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    A stripped lower is an "other". They can still be sold. It was even on the NYS site on Q&A. A lower can be be uilt into a bolt rifle, they are out there. The laws about selling state legal firearms when making an outof state purchase are from the ATF.
  42. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I should list the crap that is in Assembly and Senate. I think there is a thread about it. I started to look at the federal crap and I just ...can't. Today I did have one ammo check pass. The others are delayed. Gotta love it.
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    Tom King Denied Ammo Purchase

    The way the background check works, if one holds a valid DL that is the id that needs to be used. Works well for the guys in the service that have a CAC Card and Orders. (sarc) They may have lived in NY for years but still have an out of state license. The NICS process has been to accept a gov...
  44. C

    Not Sure How True This is - Pistol Permit Recertification is Meaningless

    I skimmed thru this thread. My feeling is the WHOLE handgun permit deal in NY is unconstitutional, illegal, a registry, etc., etc. The recert process is propping up an illegal "license". Oh, remember in the CCIA is the provision that every handgun permit holder is to go thru a monthly...
  45. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I read one of the proposed bills, maybe it was in two (or more). The phrase "no gun data database". Here is one, in Assembley and Senate: NY A01566 Summary Restricts the sale of ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon; creates the no-gun database under the division of...
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    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    It is a personal choice. One I personally find difficult. Many times in the last two years I find my mind going to the history of Germany. I understand things I often have wondered about and can say, it is very uncomfortable.
  47. C

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    It is more than that, I keep saying it is forcing gun shops to do be the ones that gather the info for the database. I keep thinking about the excuse of "I was just following orders." It amazes me how fast and with no qualms so many do this. I keep telling customers this is for the NY database.