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  1. 2

    Today is the day.. SCOTUS hearing the NY 2A case

    Didn't SC already rule that you have a right to have a firearm? Premise and Shotgun/Rifle permits in NYC already violate those rulings. As does the need to have a pistol license in NYS just to touch/own a pistol.
  2. 2

    Lloyd Apologizes for Serving at Batavia Detention Center

    So the take away from this is that feeding people at detention centers is bad? Guess we can save some tax dollars then...
  3. 2

    "other firearm" used in Ohio shooting

    Correct me if I'm wrong but basically in Miller '39, they said SBS was illegal under NFA and the reasoning is it wasn't suitable for military use. At the time, barring knowledge of the trench gun, you could understand that decision. However, practically everything regulated by the NFA is now a...
  4. 2

    Good legal knife for NYC

    Which is why I prefaced my post about not wanting a "gravity" knife for buses and subways. If he doesn't care about that, then it doesn't really matter what he carries.
  5. 2

    Good legal knife for NYC

    If you don't want a "gravity knife for buses and subways" then that still pretty much rules out locking modern folders. That Delica is a great knife but it can be flicked open by holding the blade and flicking your wrist to make the handle fly out which was basically what they were doing to call...
  6. 2

    '60 Minutes' Uncovers Pelosi's Insider Stock Trades

    Netflix already paid $10mil for her documentary. She's only been in for how many months?
  7. 2

    '60 Minutes' Uncovers Pelosi's Insider Stock Trades

    How have the courts allowed this 'loophole' to continue by either not punishing lawmakers who benefit or throwing out charges against regular people doing insider trading? Where's the equal protection? Clearly this is a National Emergency that needs to be addressed right away. All these ill...
  8. 2

    I need some veterans to school me on the 1911

    No experience with them but what about the EAA Witness in 10mm? Italian made cz75 clone.
  9. 2

    Termites w/o Males = “overthrowing the patriarchy” - The NY Slimes

    I'm pretty sure termites don't read newspapers so that's another thing we don't need.
  10. 2

    Nothing is safe from Gov. regulation

    Plants come next. And don't forget the mandatory inspection when trying to register your 5th plant. And random inspections allowable going forward.
  11. 2

    Nothing is safe from Gov. regulation

    Don't be ridiculous... Gardens will have to be registered first...
  12. 2

    Active shooter situation @ Youtube HQ

    That'd be interesting as I believe CA also has mandatory waiting periods. Perhaps she picked up the gun that day? But she would have had to buy it a few weeks earlier.
  13. 2

    Active shooter situation @ Youtube HQ

    I don't think CA has a license to own like NY Just to carry. As long as you pass a background check then you can legally buy any of the 'approved' pistols.
  14. 2

    Done with youtube

    This includes all those Hollywood movie trailers right? Right?
  15. 2

    Feds issue 4,000 orders to seize guns from people who failed background checks

    Definitely FAKE NEWS!! Their title says While the 2nd paragraph says: Issue =/= issued I'm reading this same story on other forums where left leaning posters are giddy that the Republicans are grabbing guns and not Obama. No, they haven't bothered to read the article apparently.
  16. 2

    Neighbors working to appeal town's bow hunting laws, fearing for their safety

    The hunter is honoring Native American culture. Lisa and Adam are anti-Native American culture.
  17. 2

    NY Chief judge: Lawyers have 'ethical obligation' to aid immigrants

    I imagine as a judge she (supposedly) has some legal knowledge and training... what's stopping her from stepping down and providing the assistance she's demanding?
  18. 2

    Cornell students believe saying ‘build a wall’ is ‘hate speech’ — and they’re demanding justice

    Maybe the fraternity was just shouting their support for 'safe spaces' (for all Americans) and these other students are trying to oppress them...
  19. 2

    Legislator equates Astorino’s illegal immigration stance to being a ‘Nazi’

    I think you should rethink this... clearly, if you call them a nazi then they are nazis and they will be the ones sent to HR for the nap leaving you with extra workload. I mean, no one would call someone a nazi if they weren't. Right?
  20. 2

    Westchester's Astorino to veto 'sanctuary' bill

    I'm sure Christie sees any running as a lost cause...
  21. 2

    Law professor warns: Congress must act on growing sexbot industry

    Hands off my sexbot!!! My sexbot my choice!!! :mad: Sexbots are a human right!!! And it can't be rape, she always says 'yes master' and 'whatever you want master'. :evil:
  22. 2

    New York Recognizes 31 GENDERS—NOT a Typo—Crazier Than California!

    I identify as being super rich but my bank account says otherwise. Can I sue my bank for oppressing me?
  23. 2

    Mexico Authorities Schizophrenic on Self-Defense Groups

    Not directly mentioned in the quotes but worth noting: And: Smuggling of firearms into Mexico - Wikipedia
  24. 2

    Fairgrounds asked to delay its cleanup until Cuomo arrived, fair CEO says

    Delay the cleanup so Cuomo doesn't get taken out with the trash?
  25. 2

    This is the exact reason Clinton hid the emails..

    :eek: Poor horse... doesn't know what's coming :eek:
  26. 2

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    She's gotten pudgy sucking the life out of Bill.
  27. 2

    Around 100,000 protesters from across Europe are pouring into Hamburg ahead of G20 summit

    They should have announced the location as Syria....
  28. 2

    Creepy noises in The Govenors Mansion are spooking Cuomo

    No, please, take them all :)
  29. 2

    Creepy noises in The Govenors Mansion are spooking Cuomo

    Creepy noises from the governor's mouth are spooking me. They sound like words but smell like bullshit.
  30. 2

    Anti-Gun Law Professors Pen Amicus Brief In Bushmaster Lawsuit

    Is that like when a defense attorney gets someone off who then commits another crime?
  31. 2

    NYPD Officers must now prove they are "Gender Sensitive"

    What if you identify as an outdoors-man or outdoors-woman? Don't they still ticket you for that?
  32. 2

    New Yorkers Still Don’t Want Andrew Cuomo for President, Poll Finds

    Good call. Although that doofus would probably gladly wear a big pussy hat. Don't know who'd find that threatening...
  33. 2

    Kim Jong-Un threatens to Nuke U.S. after McCain calls him Fat

    It would have been better if Un threatened Nukes if McCain didn't tell him where he hid his acorns...
  34. 2

    Europe in Chaos

    Perhaps the feminists should tell them not to fundamentalize? They were probably never told and need someone to tell them not to.
  35. 2

    Armed Lefties and commies

    They can be converted into machineguns donchanknow...
  36. 2

    Girl Suspended From School For Stick Gun

    Her parents need to take the school to task over allowing such a weapon on school grounds in the first place. Clearly that's the bigger transgression here.
  37. 2

    Armed Lefties and commies

    Don't be silly, they just ordered their guns on the internet...
  38. 2

    New Yorkers who don’t vote would pay $10 fine under assemblywoman's bill

    It'd be funny if this was implemented and she was voted out over someone who said they'd overturn the law.
  39. 2

    California Republican Wants Warning Labels on Guns

    Would adding the warning label be considered a modification to the gun such that they all have to go through California's safety testing again before they can be sold? And of course, microstamping is required so none will pass. So no new guns in CA? Edit: Derp. Not ON the actual gun, just...
  40. 2

    Sandy Hook Parents File 1st Argument To Supreme Court In Gun Lawsuit Case

    Are they suing the news companies? After all, where else would one get an idea to shoot up a school if they don't report it?
  41. 2

    Liberals concerned for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg health

    ... leads to creation of a serum that keeps a person living longer than they should... aka The Zombie Apocalypse.
  42. 2

    Liberal tears at school.

    Remember when speaking to them, its not "President Trump" but "Your President, Trump".
  43. 2

    Family says school shamed 9-year-old for wearing shirt showing deer she hunted

    Kid to teacher "Go Suck Asparagus!!"
  44. 2

    Shooting reported at Fort Lauderdale Airport

    Exactly. No more planes.
  45. 2

    Shooting reported at Fort Lauderdale Airport

    Shooter named Esteban Santiago and has a military id. Edit. per Fox News per the sheriff / Bill Nelson, Florida Senator
  46. 2

    Shooting reported at Fort Lauderdale Airport

    Fox news has someone on the phone right now reporting that "something is happening in garage" and that more shots have been fired. EDIT: They're saying no additional shooting, still just the 1 guy. He also said the shooter appeared to be a 5' 10"-6' slender man wearing a star wars tshirt.
  47. 2

    Blumenthal Delusion on Trump and Guns a Ploy for Attention and Disruption

    Wasn't he part of Congress? When is get going to be arrested for his admitted involvement in criminal murders? the definition of complicit
  48. 2

    US Marshal arrested for pointing gun at McDonald’s cashier

    He forgot to re-apply for his "point weapon at innocents" amendment after it lapsed?
  49. 2

    Chicago out of control, gangs can't be stopped

    Time to ban Twitter, Facebook, etc. For the children.