Better question is "who" gave out the CEO's itinerary? did they track him? Hell the easy part is pulling the trigger...finding and locating your quarry is the hard part! He had help...
Even if Trump wins the Nov 5th Election, the Dems in the house and senate wont ratify the election result by Jan 6th....they'll pull the 3rd clause of the 14th Ammendment Card...buckle up...
You don't "need" lube, it just keeps the fouling soft for easier cleaning and usually you can get to load more rounds before it gets to gummed up to ram the bullet down the bore...coated bullets in my Sharp's really reduces the leading!
They can be pretty tough...almost amazing. I went on a "canned" hog hunt...250-300lb. Hit' em hard with a 375 Ruger, SOB took off running, dropped 100yards later..
Only one that we anchored was hit with a 450
"Nothing-to-see-here-move-along" It's always been a two tiered system, hell my ole man was a county sheriff and drank like a fish. Many times I remember the late night knocks on the door and a local sheriff, town cop or NYSP would drop him off repercussions, no court dates...rinse...
Local Library has to close, Climate change..Heat Pumps ain't working..ROFLOL
All in the Plan...a perfect reason raise sales tax percentages, income tax, double DMV rates and driving infractions, increase taxes on cell phones, heating...just look at England or Scotland that is our future in California and NYS.....:(
My 692 (357 & 9mm) convertible has been fabulous, so is my 856 Executive 38 Special. Only thing I have done is put a Galloway Percision spring kit to lesson the trigger pull. I have probably 3,000 rounds through the 692...not one issue...the new Taurus revolver are the best value out there...
"THEY" know exactly what they are doing, they want the patriots to start something...they need another January 6th to implement more tyranny. All the while we wring our hands hoping SCOTUS comes to our rescue...
It's not the $2.50, it's the waiting...fill out computer form, submit, wait till the blue-tie-gang grants the kings permission to purchase.
The saddest part is the current companies are going to quit selling ammo because it is too costly....all according to NY's plan to eliminate the 2A...
"......Good for Business.." LOL, yea for the bail-bondsmen, handyman( (to fix all the broken Motel rooms), Welfare office workers, and Car repair businesses after the "immgirants" no license drivers crash into your car...Thanks Kathy!!
Runnings (Brockport), manager said Sept 16 is their go date...$2.50 for each check for ammo (no limit on ammo amount), additonal $9.00 for firearm purchases. Gotta love the Dem One-Party-States like NY...
Had the same problem... the area where the bolt goes into is rolled steel. and is too tight around the bolt and dragging on it, causing all your issues. Things I did to cure it.
1) I lightly pollished the interior boby of the frame where the bolt goes into, inserted into the bolt area of the...