What the heck would happen if we made a may-issue drivers licence law or a requirement to register democratic party registrations to a registry that we then closed?
Russia is certainly not the freest place for guns, but much better than Latin America or the NW Eurosocialist hellholes the democrats think we should emulate. You can own AKs, ARs, etc. Much less egregious (but still present) "feature" laws than NY. (lengths, folding of things, etc)
You can...
Do people seriously not see the stupidity of this line of "thinking" with their "assault weapon" crap? "Your speech is hfxtxthfdhxdh speech and hfxtxthfdhxdh speech isn't protected because the constitution doesn't mention it!" How could it mention it! I just made the word up!
I give zero Fs about commonality of use or effectiveness is deterring invasions. you either believe in private property or you believe in theft. Do they ask themselves what percentage of the population owns their brand of computer or if their owning cars makes us collectively safer from redcoats?
Leftist is a meaningless term. What we have on our hands today are urban supremacists who want to have city-states that rule the surrounding land as a neo-colony.
I myself am a great advocate for gun safety. Gun safety can be achieved through safe handing and engineering/manufacturing practices to guard against unsafe manipulation, over-pressure conditions, flaws in heat treatment,...
What? Oh. You mean like stealing peoples' private property?
I sure would like to live in my own space pirate ship in the middle of the void with a bunch of downloaded media, a sleeper sofa, and a little area for shop projects. Then check in on earth every couple centuries to see how things are going.
I have an unregistered M16 in my safe. I think the guy who sold it ripped my off though, because it only holds 5 rounds and says it was made in France.