I'm not sure if this really even fits in firearms related, I just thought it was cool. This thing was apparently demonstrated at this year's SOFIC (Special Operations Forces Industry Conference)
What you're looking at here is a drone munition that is fired from an M320 grenade launcher (Not an M203). It has a payload of various mix and match of cameras, anti-armor bomb, fuel-air bomb, HE/frag bomb, diversionary smoke and flash and more. Rather than having a slow flight like a standard drone, this is fired with speed into a location and then pops open the drone arms and uses the rotors to get directed with precision to exactly where it needs to be to use whatever payload it has.
What you're looking at here is a drone munition that is fired from an M320 grenade launcher (Not an M203). It has a payload of various mix and match of cameras, anti-armor bomb, fuel-air bomb, HE/frag bomb, diversionary smoke and flash and more. Rather than having a slow flight like a standard drone, this is fired with speed into a location and then pops open the drone arms and uses the rotors to get directed with precision to exactly where it needs to be to use whatever payload it has.