Hi all,
I did a search and found nothing, but thought I remembered others having done this in the past.
Do any members here have a primary residence in NYC and a secondary residence in upstate NY (I guess Long Island would be similar) as I am wondering how the licensing works, specifically can...
Thanks :) They were both Jakes, but he was the bigger one. I actually did use a camo face mask but had taken it off by then.
I find it best to not post pictures of my face in connection with my forum accounts, just from a privacy perspective. As an NYC resident I also don't tend to broadcast...
This one might be tough, unless you don't mind shooting people with real ammo to test yourself
I mean unless you don't care about getting a shot off in time that's **on target**.
There are force on force scenarios where it could be useful, especially if simunitions are not available. I can say that drilling close quarters interactions where one has to determine if drawing is necessary is just one very useful application of this technology. Blue guns are useful for this...