Figured I’d close the loop here. Permit came in on April 30. I submitted my application before Halloween, I forget when my last reference sent back the reference but it was first week of December. Printed at the end of January. Permit came in yesterday April 30.
a person I know was...
Seems like a waste. Our recent sheriffs election had a debate between the previous incumbent and our now new sheriff. That debate was hosted by the Putnam Firearms Owners Association, at a shooting range/FFL/training facility and there was not one single firearms related question. Nothing.
Yeah I’ve seen that - I know plenty of counties don’t pay it any mind. I’ve been told in the past Putnam was relatively quick after the interview but now approaching three months, was wondering if anybody knew lately how Putnam is moving these applications through.
Can’t seem to get an answer. Had my fingerprint and interview not long after new year. Called once to ask for an update, was very politely and apologetically told they can’t even estimate how long it would take.
Just wondering if anybody knew anything about the process as of late.
A little over a year ago I just emailed the membership secretary - he told me to submit a letter of intent. No sponsorship. About 6 months later I was invited to come join.
Take a look at these guys - Prepaid Legal Services, New York, NY It seems a bit pricier than the other options, and its technically a retainer, but it's about the only legal option.
I used the trial for a month - I ordered I think a glock mag. It was whatever - they didn't have any better stock than just shopping around online. I might revisit in a year when the market stabilizes and see what their stock looks like then.
For the time being, not really worth it in my opinion.