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  1. MacMan1725

    AR Pistol - Too Late?

    Well Well, it's a good thing I just ordered such a brace. Now I just have to figure out if I can use my lower.
  2. MacMan1725

    AR Pistol - Too Late?

    It was never a rifle. It was transferred to me as "other".
  3. MacMan1725

    AR Pistol - Too Late?

    So are we pretty sure this is what's going to happen? I mean, I'm just counting on not being able to use a brace. If that does happen, we won't be allowed to even own them in NY right?
  4. MacMan1725

    AR Pistol - Too Late?

    Not sure what you mean..
  5. MacMan1725

    AR Pistol - Too Late?

    Wayne County BTW.
  6. MacMan1725

    AR Pistol - Too Late?

    Two years ago I bought a striped lower and it has been sitting in my safe since. I just decided I would like to make it into a pistol. Since it has already been transferred to me, is it too late or can I still make it work somehow?