I’ll be 71 next birthday and still have my Savage 24 410/22 that I got for my twelfth birthday. I also have a JC Higgins mod 31 in nearly new condition that I got when dad passed away, still shoots great.
Zacks. Tan. Traded a Kahr 9mm that was too light for my old hands And a Ruger PC40 that I don't have more than a box of ammunition through. Price was $600 or so with trades.
I had never used a red dot and was interested in seeing how it would work on my S&W Victory. I Bought a $28 red dot from amazon and put it on. Now I can put 40 rounds in a 7x7 area even with my 70 year old shaky hands at 25 yards. I am pleased.
I am still trying to figure out what Finestein was going to do with the letter if she didn't have it leaked. She certainly wasn't going to hold it forever.
Just sold my last 40 cal. gun and have about 450 rounds left. I remembered that there was something in AHOLES' safe act regarding ammunition sales. Sure enough, it says that there are to be no FTF sales, or transfers. I know that the SP don't have a database yet therefore store sales continue...
In an interview early in her political career she said that she learned politics from her grandmother, Polly Noonan. Noonan was an integral part of the Erastis Corning/Dan O'Connell political machine that controlled Albany for at least 50 years. I wouldn't vote for her as a dogcatcher.
Haha on the glasses. I have been using one of the stick on 2.5x bifocal lens on my strong eye shooting glasses and just uncorrected on my left. Left eye sees the target but not the gun and the right eye sees the front sight but not the target. Can't seem to rectify the both images. Never used a...
My buddy showed me this 45 ACP bullet he shot at the range. Pics are not great, but notice that there are no ballistic marks on about 1/2 of the bullet. Is this normal?
Hi Jamie, I am thinking of getting a 22LR revolver SA or DA/SA. I think that a DAO would have a tough trigger. Any recommendations ($600 max) that you could make -