I just got word from an NYSRPA Board member that King's coming out against home built arms and 80% receivers is once again all about himself and his self interests. In this case it's to please his crooked board member Brian Olesen who owns a string of gun stores and came out against 80%...
This latest insult to our 2A Rights from CROOKED, FUDD TOM KING was also picked up by Dave Codrea from Ammoland. He also mentioned someone named Jacob Reiper who is apparently King's pal and seems like a MAJOR DICK HEAD! Here's the link...
So why don't you ask that D-Bag running NYSRPA why he bought a building 2 minutes away from his house and claims its for the benefit of NYSRPA members? King is a scum bag who is sucking NYSRPA dry with his nearly $100,000 a year salary that he does nothing to deserve.
Juist came in over the wire!
More Self- Dealing and Dishonesty from Tom King of NYSRPA?
You got to hand it to Tom King. Totally ineffective at protecting gun rights of NYSRPA members, but a master at soaking NYSRPA members of every dollar for his own personal gain. We’re not talking about...
Let me break it down for everyone using what we know from last year and this year documents.
King is making nearly $100,000 for delivering nothing of value and a part time job;
King's salary and poor management has put NYSRPA into a $55,000 a year loss for 2016;
King has hired a company his...
They got Trump elected and he nominated a pro 2A SCJ. Does that count, or would hillary have been better for NY gun owners?
Also, NRA is now appealing the CA Peruta decision to the US Supreme Court. If they win that, the NY Sullivan Act will be severely endangered. Does that count?
They won the out of state residence/domicile pistol licensing case. Other than that, nothing that I know of but that's not my point. My point is NRA does much more on an overall basis for NY gun owners while king does nothing but collect his exorbitant paycheck for part time work.
Not true. NRA pays Christian Ragosta who lives in NY and is their lobby rep and has also has funded several lawsuits against NYPD. They also funded most of the SAFE Act lawsuit.
Most importantly, NRA can get national legislation passed that can help us in NY like reciprocity and a pro-gun...
NYSRPA supports shooting sports almost entirely in theory because it spends money on payroll for king and brenda leder followed by printing Bullet "magazine" which of course is done by king's daughter's company. NYSRPA invested a paltry $1,200 in 2015 and $1,475 in 2014 in its Junior...
The facts speak for themselves about what tom king is and what he has done to NYSRPA. And I am not the only one on this forum who sees him as a guy who sucks money from members and delivers nothing in return. The insider deals for his friends and family are as corrupt as it gets. An that...
Got the below e-mail, and it does not shock me in the least.
I also found out that this latest tom king disgrace was one reason the Long Range Rifle director resigned from the NYSRPA Board after he told King in his resignation letter: "This is a volunteer organization, and the Board...
Fallen d down on the job? King has taken in over $250,000 of member money to deliver nothing of value to NY gun owners. His "job" according to his actions is to lie to and rape NYSRPA members who trust in him, it seems.
Hi, guys
New to this forum, but was active on the other one and then Nirvana invited me over to this one.
Tom King is a worthless, butt kisser, and is sucking NYSRPA dry of all its member money. He puts his cronies on the BOD, insults and undermines SCOPE behind their backs, and rakes in close...