.45 acp

NYS legislation would ban untraceable 'ghost guns'
ALBANY — They’re called “ghost guns” because they're untraceable and meant to evade current law. Shipped to purchasers in pieces and without serial numbers, the guns can be assembled into a fully usable firearm. And because the weapons are shipped unfinished, they skirt state and federal...
With leaders like FUDD Tom King why even have an NRA chapter in NY? He might as well join as the new spokesperson for the Brady campaign.
FUTK Fudd traitor.
I hope NYSRPA is successful at SCOTUS, but I will not support their organization until this turncoat is out, same thing for LaPierre at the NRA. I don’t see it happening anytime soon due to the good old boys club corruption and the Fudds who still blindly support them.