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    Joe Biden should be proud, taliban says stoning of women for adultery will return

    Wears all the Alphabet people with their coexist protests of outrage?????
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    F/S NIB tasco target/varmint 6x24x42 $50 Middletown NY

    are you available this weekend I can have a look I am in Chester just down the road.
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    NY schools given five years to buy electric buses

    for the hybred busses they rolled out a few years ago they are 100k per bus when they fail they are put in the storage lot as no one can afford to fix them
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    NY schools given five years to buy electric buses

    word on the street the busses they rolled out in Rochester were broken all the time
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    Sanctuary City Chicago Considers 80-Square-Foot ‘Micro Homes’ for Migrants as Mass Immigration Strains Housing

    I think we could fly 6 ppl back wear they came from for a lot less than 20K and give the 100 bucks each and still save 15K on the deal.
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    Rising tide of pot-crazed lunatics

    The problem I have with this "Study" is Mary Jane is still a Scedule 1 Drug on the federal level which means it can not be studied so theirs that. Wear was this study done not in the US ????????
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    BIG DAY! FIVE 2A Cases Challenging New York's Post Bruen Gun Control!

    Like I said no Idea he was interviewing someone in a video made a statement if he were the litigator he would not be able to have the channel. I am not a lawyer and did not stay at a holiday inn express last night. Maybe one of the Lawyers on here can explain to us the reasoning behind this???
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    BIG DAY! FIVE 2A Cases Challenging New York's Post Bruen Gun Control!

    Mark mentioned in one of his videos due to his tube channel he can not present 2a to the court no idea if true?
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    Onondaga county permits

    You have to buy a pistol to apply for a permit as I understand it did this change??
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    A new lawsuit reveals Suffolk County, NY is delaying giving gun permits for three years.

    Read the Docs WOW Suffolk County is some kind of special they should louse and suit be filed against the officials professionally and personally for infringing on the peoples rights.
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    Georgia judge not sure how to proceed on case involving a felon possessing a firearm

    Aren't lawyers supposed to be Historians to some extent as they study history to become a lawyer????
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    WCFOA & PCFOA voter guides

    Thanks for the reply
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    WCFOA & PCFOA voter guides

    Is their one for Orange County By chance?
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    NYS now has genderless drivers licenses

    And TRUST THE SCIENCE goes right out the window.
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    I like to view this as a Law suite artillery barrage and as some get dismissed on minor technicalities (Don't hit the intended target) the more the better.
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    Safe act registration numbers are low, re-certification numbers are dismal

    I thought the Governor did not need any data points??? they are all a pile of :poop: nothing new. The CDC well they can't track Disease and brought us the scamdemic but they can track criminal activity etc. RIGHT!
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    Sen. Skoufis says the Sullivan Law worked for his constituents

    Dofus needs to go another guy trying to be a career politician who hides in the men's room during most of the high profile votes. Oh and Jimmie boy the sullivan infrigement was not working for your constituents.
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    Eric Adams' public hearing today

    Honest Question What is the crime rate for Firearm with people who have a CHL in this state?
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    Nassau Co. wants urine test

    Just so all understand I am against this all the way their was an article I read I think in an NRA mag about 5 years ago that outlined this process as NY was trying to pass a law for just these requirements the only thing missing I think is the mental health meeting with a government head shrink...
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    Nassau Co. wants urine test

    They put this in as Mary Jane is not Federally Legal and the 4473 is prof of this. They are trying to take a page from Hawaii's hand book after they legalized MJ then sent letters to registered gun owners to turn them in due to MJ Card Etc.
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    We want your farm, your land, your food - WEF

    Not Sure on all the details but when I sell to retire and leave this over regulated state I will have to pay the exit tax and yes all of NYS just another way for them to stick their hands in you pocket. NJ has the same TAX as well FYI.
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    We want your farm, your land, your food - WEF

    If you sell your home and leave NY you have to pay an EXIT TAX on the property you just sold the % varies by county.
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    Semi auto rifle license law passed and headed to governor

    I remember a Law like this in Commiefornia that was struck down by the supreme court and is now heading for a full panel review not sure if it has gone through the full panel review.
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    FUAC Will Never Be Prosecuted...Ever

    All unions keep telling their members that conservatives want to kill the unions you need to vote dems in to save the union and your job. And they follow
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    Joe Biden Says Police Have 'Become the Enemy,' 'Absolutely' Should Defund Them

    Let's all jump to conclusions cause their are only misunderstood gang scumbags . Let me help if you shoot at someone with the ability to shoot back they are going to!
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    Florida Fish and game warden knows and respects the law

    Their is a time and place for everything The old adtage just because you can does not mean you should!
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    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    Wear IS lol button for this one
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    Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen admits to illegal payments at direction of candidate

    Bill Clinton was impeached and refused to leave office and stayed as president not sure of all the details but food for thought
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    2nd Amendment lawyers

    Governor Dumass says it is murder insurance cause defending your self and family is murder what an ass clown
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    Wife With Revolver Saves Husband From Brutal Beat Down *WATCH*

    She was nick named after a Bollywood star my guess this is India
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    How the UK Essex Police are combating crime

    So judging from the graphic on the bin they want your kitchen knives, screw drivers, folding knives and broken bottles. Gee so no cooking and not fixing anything with out a super intrusive government license . Freakin the U.K. Is totally lost!
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    Deadly force

    Get ccw insurance to help cover legal fees cause unless you have 10k sitting around for lawyer fees!
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    Tube fed 22 semi

    Nice shooting !
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    Cumhole Lights Up WTC In Defiance Against Trump!

    Let see 3 trillion dollars and a .2% that's point 2% decrease in 10 years that's a waste of $$$ if you ask me !
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    Tube fed 22 semi

    I have browning and marlin lever marlin 60 savage bolt that is wicked accurate and a few of the Jc Higgins that are great rifles!
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    Tube fed 22 semi

    Awesome ! I am far behind I only have 12 lol
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    Tube fed 22 semi

    JC Higgins model 29 30 or 31
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    Tube fed 22 semi

    Thanks found an old one out of state FFL giving a hard time to transfer it Ugh need to find another
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    Tube fed 22 semi

    So is a tube fed 22 rifle legal in this state any more?