
  1. Mquijano0310

    DONE Savage Model 64 in .22LR

    Savage Model 64 in .22LR Will include my remainder of .22lr as well as two/three extra mags Can meetup in Long Island/West Chester County at your FFL for transfer. $125 Text me at (five 1 six) sIx 47 - Zero 7 2 three
  2. crunchberry

    WTB Henry US Survival Rifle AR-7

    Interested in a pre-owned Henry AR-7 rifle in the black (dark grey) color to give to my young son. Located in LI.
  3. Podmonkey

    .22 Rifles for self defense?

    I nearly soiled myself when he did that first test! Watch that much of the video at least. Serious tests follow.