nys law

  1. S

    Can I have whatever I want on a rifle if I have a fixed magazine?

    I want to build my first AR. To be NY compliant, I just need a fixed magazine correct? As long as I have a fixed magazine, can I then have a pistol grip or do I need to have a fixed magazine and have no other features? Sorry this is a really basic question.
  2. Nicys Firearm Instruction

    NYS Article 35 and Use of Force Class

    *As of July 11th: 5 spots left *When: Saturday July 25th *Where: Dutchess Co. *Class open to "The General Public” - Advanced registration required. *Light lunch will be served *Manual Provided: Approved by the "NYS Division of Criminal Justice" will be provided to each participant, it...
  3. Nicys Firearm Instruction

    NYS Article 35 Class, Use of Force w/ Ken Cooper

    NYS Article 35 Class, Use of Force w/ Ken Cooper