I'm Gum
Your glue
What you say
Bounces off me
and sticks to you!!!
Only fucking poem I could remember from my youth.
Never go full retard!
There was also the associate professor who called for white genocide on christmas, and then the one who verbally abused ivanka trump on a plane. These assholes are supposed to be guiding the nation's youth. Instead the loss of hillary is showing them for exactly what we thought they were: intolerant and maladjusted.
Never go full retard!
There was also the associate professor who called for white genocide on christmas, and then the one who verbally abused ivanka trump on a plane. These assholes are supposed to be guiding the nation's youth. Instead the loss of hillary is showing them for exactly what we thought they were: intolerant and maladjusted.
I'm Gum
Your glue
What you say
Bounces off me
and sticks to you!!!
Only fucking poem I could remember from my youth.
It's stuff like this that really makes me want to think twice about sending my kids to college at all.
I thought it was...
I am rubber and you are glue, whatever you say, bounces off of me and sticks to you...
6-12m? You high? This isn't going anywhere, ever lol.OK, lets calm down a little. We KNOW this is the kind of batshit crazy stuff we will be dealing with for at least another 6 to 12 months.
These people are brain dead, it's just something we are going to have to deal with.