It's getting harder and harder the stay in this state. I wish I had a network in another state like Tennessee. Although I don't know if the wife would be on board with Tennessee, I know she would with North or South Carolina though.
It's getting harder and harder the stay in this state. I wish I had a network in another state like Tennessee. Although I don't know if the wife would be on board with Tennessee, I know she would with North or South Carolina though.
Of course all of it is terrible but a 5% increase in spending is indefensible at a time when unexpected tax receipt shortfalls are occurring while the middle class flees.
Links from the OP confirmed Cuomo issued another middle of the night unnecessary “message of necessity,” to let the "The Climate and Community Protection Act" green bill go through without deliberation. This poorly crafted bill now arms state agencies the power to do things like outlaw new residential oil heat boilers, wood burning stoves / fireplaces, charcoal bbq grills, prohibit the sale of gas powered automobiles, generators or lawnmowers in order for the state to end nearly all manmade greenhouse gas emissions (from cars, power plants, factories) by 2050. And to reach 100% “clean” electricity by 2040.
With the NYC liberal loons forever controlling the Assembly, laws of lunacy like this can never be legislatively corrected ... regardless of who is the Governor or if upstate reclaims some semblance of control in the Senate.
Just remember this: You are not alone! Out here in the western “paradise” of Utah, that are working hard to close the gap with states like CA and NY. So, it’s true that you can’t escape the creeping sickness. You have to fight it, as best you can, where you are.
Here’s a gem from this state: The legislature is considering legislation, that is predicted to be passed, that will impose a use tax on hybrid and electric vehicles in the state. The rational is, the state is not collecting enough money from the gas tax, and since hybrids and EVs get far better mileage than do our big, honkin 4x trucks, they are not paying their “fair share.” The solution? A tax scheme that will use GPS tracking technology to calcuylate what your “gas tax” should be.
Now, in case anyone doesn’t remember this gas taxes were touted by the left as a way to CUT THE USE of gasoline and encourage efficient vehicles. I guess it worked too well.
My question is this: If a hybrid, or an EV, doesn’t pay enough in taxes, isn’t the converse true as well? Does my Jeep, and it’s dismal MPG pay too much in taxes? Do I qualify for a gas tax break? I mean come on...fair share, and all that, right?