20×102mm Vulcan
“This agreement condemns the next generation to cleaning up a nuclear> war in the Persian Gulf
WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
Re: you call it To: Date: 2015-07-15 19:33 Subject: Re: you call it
John Anzalone to John Podesta (quoting Sen. Kirk of IL): “This agreement condemns the next generation to cleaning up a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf… This is the greatest appeasement since Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler.” John Podesta’s reply: “Yup.”My God people…they actually expect nuclear war.
WIKILEAKS=> SMOKING GUN on Iran Deal: Podesta Says Nuclear War Is Coming
WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
Re: you call it To: Date: 2015-07-15 19:33 Subject: Re: you call it
John Anzalone to John Podesta (quoting Sen. Kirk of IL): “This agreement condemns the next generation to cleaning up a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf… This is the greatest appeasement since Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler.” John Podesta’s reply: “Yup.”My God people…they actually expect nuclear war.
WIKILEAKS=> SMOKING GUN on Iran Deal: Podesta Says Nuclear War Is Coming