20×102mm Vulcan
0 Students Pass State Math In 6 Baltimore Schools, Democrats Flush $16,000 Tax Dollars Per Student
A recent investigation shows that in six different schools in Baltimore not a single student was able to score proficient on statewide tests for either English or math. This horrific performance is despite the fact that Baltimore schools spend $16,000 per student which is the fourth-highest spending per student in the United States.
High school students are tested by the state in math and English. Scores are separated into categories, a four or five is considered proficient and one through three are not. At Frederick Douglass, 185 students took the state math test last year and 89 percent fell into the lowest level, and only one student approached expectations by scoring a three
0 Students Pass State Math In 6 Baltimore Schools, Democrats Flush $16,000 Tax Dollars Per Student - Conservative Daily Post
A recent investigation shows that in six different schools in Baltimore not a single student was able to score proficient on statewide tests for either English or math. This horrific performance is despite the fact that Baltimore schools spend $16,000 per student which is the fourth-highest spending per student in the United States.
High school students are tested by the state in math and English. Scores are separated into categories, a four or five is considered proficient and one through three are not. At Frederick Douglass, 185 students took the state math test last year and 89 percent fell into the lowest level, and only one student approached expectations by scoring a three
0 Students Pass State Math In 6 Baltimore Schools, Democrats Flush $16,000 Tax Dollars Per Student - Conservative Daily Post