.357 mag
Beautiful bike. Only in the USA for 1 year. Last of the big 4cyl air cooled super bikes. Bike is fast and ready to ride. Has a couple small imperfections, but it's old. Overall in great shape. Has been well taken care of. I just bought it from the 2nd owner and he has owned it since 1985. I am only selling because my old lady said I could buy a new bike if I sold all my old ones.
Tires are like new and have lots of miles left. New front wheel bearings and seals. Also has new speedometer cable.
I have the original stock exhaust and a original service manual in hard binder.
***Will help deliver within reason***
Tires are like new and have lots of miles left. New front wheel bearings and seals. Also has new speedometer cable.
I have the original stock exhaust and a original service manual in hard binder.
***Will help deliver within reason***