Our 2019 training dates are for the most part live on our website www.bullcreekstrategic.com .
There are a few classes to add such as our LEO dates, long range precision and LEO low light .
Check out what we have to offer this coming year.
Remember it's not about the how, it's about the WHY. WHY your body reacts the way it does, WHY the gun does what it does, WHY you and your firearm do what they do while firing. Being able to break down the mechanics to the WHY will go further than acting out the "HOW".
Dont get caught up in the "snakeoil" of HOW, get involved in the passion of WHY
There are a few classes to add such as our LEO dates, long range precision and LEO low light .
Check out what we have to offer this coming year.
Remember it's not about the how, it's about the WHY. WHY your body reacts the way it does, WHY the gun does what it does, WHY you and your firearm do what they do while firing. Being able to break down the mechanics to the WHY will go further than acting out the "HOW".
Dont get caught up in the "snakeoil" of HOW, get involved in the passion of WHY