.40 S&W
Found an interesting quirk while reading through the hunting regulations here: General Hunting Regulations | eRegulations
5.45mm / 25.4 = 0.2145 Caliber. Seems like you could carry a rifle chambered in 5.45x39 everywhere you can carry a .22 rimfire rifle. Someone check my math and interpretation if I’m wrong.
During the open season for deer, it is illegal to:
- Possess shotgun shells loaded with slug or ball, unless holding a valid license (including carcass tags) or permit to take deer or bear, or
- Possess a rifle larger than a .22-caliber rimfire in areas where rifles are banned for taking deer (Centerfire rifles less than .22-caliber and muzzleloading rifles are legal)
5.45mm / 25.4 = 0.2145 Caliber. Seems like you could carry a rifle chambered in 5.45x39 everywhere you can carry a .22 rimfire rifle. Someone check my math and interpretation if I’m wrong.