I make fun of guys with man buns, but the LGBTQRSTUV crowd will use this as an attack on him for being "homophobic". I like that he says whats on his mind, but there are some areas he should try to be careful in.
It's amazing how progressive propaganda makes the 3% of the population that are LGBTwhatever appear to be 40%, and the 40% that are gun owners appear to be 3%.
What came to mind last night while watching/listening to the POTUS DJT. His energy level has not diminished from what it was 3 years ago. The strength he shows along with an indefatigable attitude in the face of massive resistance is inspiring to me. IMO
Now that President Trump gave the Democrats more or less what they wanted by signing the executive order.
The Democrats will now say,,, look Trump rules by executive order. He's acting like a dictator.
You can't win with the leftists, they are vile people with poor character. Never apologies to them even if it's
one of those times where it is the proper thing to do. Because a lefty with that poor character will not
except your apology as an adult would, they will just use it against you.
Never compromise in good faith with a leftists ( Trump needs to learn this IMO ) because the leftists will never compromise in return. And well, that's not a compromise obviously. That's just giving them what they want with nothing in return.
I haven't had the chance yet today to catch up on the current events. The little bit that I did hear on the radio this morning said something to the effect that. The leftists are not happy with President Trump's EO. From what I understand the illegal immigrant children will remain with the illegal immigrant adults "but still held in custody".
The leftists don't want the illegal immigrants held in custody at all.
A couple of days ago that POS Schumer was on national TV saying that President Trump has the power and the pen to stop the illegal immigrant (so called families) from being torn apart... President Trump did just that, He used his power and his pen and gave the Democrats what they wanted and they still aren't fucking happy...
POTUS exposing the lies and corruption of the left. By giving them (mostly) what they were wailing about, keeping kids with parents “ he exposes that what they really want is unfettered immigration and dem voters. This should energize trumps base for midterms.