.700 Nitro Express
It's not that "our guy" lost.The only thing they're complicit in is voting based on principle, not based on fear.
Stop being a sore loser. If this were a school-aged football game, you guys would have already been removed from the field for poor sportsmanship. There's absolutely ZERO evidence of any of the claims you guys make. Trumps legal team is a JOKE and has been scolded by judges time and time again for making claims that cannot be supported with any physical evidence.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: Trump was a crappy president. You can blame and point fingers all you want but at the end of the day, he just didn't do a good job. I really wanted him to be a good president. I wanted him to be pro-2A. I wanted Hillary in jail.
Your guy lost. Get over it. Stop blaming the election result on people that performed their civic duty and voted for the candidate THEY believed in.
The whole country lost, half are just too stupid to realize it.
Sure, Trump is a bit rough around the edges, and he's not as libertarian as I'd like. But he's the best thing this country has seen in the white house since Reagan at least.
You seem like the type who would turn down a free Ferrari because you really wanted a Bugatti.
Why would you vote for Jo anyway. Thomas Jefferson would make a much better libertwrian president and he's got the same chance of winning