John Stark
.44 mag
This incident with Trump is not the beginning.
The beginning of this shitshow goes back to the creation of the Federal Reserve under Woodrow Wilson, which has empowered the Fed Coats to become more and more bold in their usurpation or our Constitutional political order. Broadly speaking, from there we got Prohibition and the Roaring 20s, a "solution in search of a problem" that created vast networks of organized crime aided and abetted by crooked politicians, crooked judges, crooked cops. Even when Prohibition was repealed, the organized criminals and their friends in high places simply moved the action into other operations. Then we have the Depression era, followed closely on by WW2, giving us 4 terms of Franklin Roosevelt in the White House. Oddly enough, we saw the National Firearms Act that was sold to the American People after they hyped the crime wave across America from organized criminals and when some organized criminal gangsters broke into a National Guard depot and stole some Tommy guns. Don't forget that the Roosevelt administration was rife with avowed Communists, Post WW2 America had somewhat of a reprieve under the Eisenhower administration, but the reach of the Feds grew even stronger as the 4th branch of government know as the Administrative State, i.e., the bureaucracy, continued their entrenchment.
Then we get Camelot and JFK, family members born and bred in organized crime going back to the bootlegging era and their old man. We can thank JFK for dead Cubans who sought to overthrow Castro and get rid of Communism in their own nation. JFK let those fellas die on a beach after stabbing them in the back. Further, JFK signed off on allowing the unionization of Federal employees, making the entrenchment permanent. With JFK we get the start of the Vietnam war, and after his assassination, a full blown war in which our American servicemen performed above and beyond their call of duty to clean the clocks of the North Vietnamese military and the Viet Cong, and to effectively win that war on the ground; only to be stabbed in the back by their own leaders and representatives after they crushed the enemy during the Tet Offensive. Soldiers being spit on because of the likes of the traitorous John Fucking Kerry, who decades later would run for President! Add in the drug culture and the Sexual Devolution, and we're off to the races on some more "Progress."
On to Nixon and the espionage shenanigans that brought down a very popular president who strongly won reelection. Nixon takes the United States off the Gold Standard (!) and then... works to normalizes relations... with the Chicoms! Tricky Dick could have left well enough alone and not tried to cover up the Watergate incident, but instead he did try to cover it up and the rest is history. The take down of Tricky Dick looks tame in comparison to the take down of Trump! Don't forget baby murder in the womb, carried out by chopping babies apart before they are born or chemically burned to death with a new found "right" through "penumbras." The country ends up with the desired fill-in for Nixon, and we get Gerald Ford as place holder for Jimmy Carted winning the People over with his folksy down home wisdom; only to bring on long lines at the fuel pumps and American diplomatic hostages taken in Iran, coupled with a disastrous "rescue" attempt. On to 8 decent years of Reagan right? Well we had Iran Contra, and the creation of the NEA, and amnesty for a crap ton of illegals, and FOPA which banned the sale of new machine guns even for those who could afford the $200 Tax Stamp.
Now things roll right along with Bush Sr., the CIA hack who launched Gulf War 1 and his Thousand Points of Light, all the while forgetting that "its the economy stupid!" Daddy Bush loses, and the nation loses: we get the Clintons, enough said! Then we get Bush Jr. as some kind of "antidote" to 8 long years of the Clinton Junta; only to realize that he couldn't keep some camel jockeys out of NY City, and in response to 911 punished Americans with the Patriot Act and a long slog through both Afghanistan (just ended months ago!) and another war in Gulf 2, with almost the full approval of both parties! Bring on the Obamanation, 4 years of a failed Trump presidency (3 good years, and then his go along to get along political approach to Operation WuFlu, just about the most egregious suspension of Constitutional Rights EVER in this country!), and here we are with the Xiden regime and our Selected Pudding President!
Obviously I paint with a broad brush, and there are a lot more weeds in that swamp known as FedGov or the Washington Cartel (pick your poison) than we can hoe out; and the gators are freaking hungry!
If you've followed along, then I apologize in advance for my not brief enough synopsis.
However, there is a point to my ramblings.
Our government is corrupt, and has been for a long long time. Our institutions are in a shambles. Our nation is broke and our economy is a joke. We have a transfreak who chopped off his own pecker and pretends to be a woman... as our Surgeon General! Kids are being groomed in schools and encouraged to ruin their lives to become queers and non-binary, and to chop parts off their body at the advice of a pervert. Crime predictably has exploded as our traitor politicians have emptied many jails and prisons and put scum back on the streets to Burn Loot Murder. I could go on and on and on AND ON about the corruption and diseased immorality this nation has come under, and so could most people reading this missive.
And here we are with a shiny new semi-auto permission slip in NY to exercise a Fundamental Right, and a looming ban on all semi-autos waiting on a Senate vote and the signature of a buffoon! Which ironically enough will make the new permission slip in NY moot and old fashioned...
I mean, the Roosevelt administration purposely put a $200 dollar tax on full-autos rather than just banning them because they were afraid the SCOTUS of the time would overturn the law. And here we are with an out right BAN on all semi-autos brazenly put forward by our "representatives," after decades of ramping up "gun control," which is nothing more than People control.
We are not at the beginning of Tyranny in this nation. Its not about to "get real."
It is real, and it has been real, government abuse of its own citizens since long before I was born.
Why is anyone shocked that a brain addled retiree in the White House would go along with a raid on the home of a former president under the thinnest veneer of "legality?"
The wickedness and tyranny is right in out faces, brazen, emboldened, and paid by us the tax payer; who not only has little to no say about who runs the country anymore (thanks UniParty!) or how it is run, but an ever shrinking say in how they run their own lives!
We have become inured to this, numbed to it, accepted it, and even embraced it. It is a sickening commentary on how easily any given nation can be practically brought to its knees by the powers that be, with little to no resistance over lost Rights, lost property, lose Liberty, and lost lives.
The People are blinded by puffery and foolishness, and have lost sight of the fact that they have the power, the strength, the numbers, to stop this bullshit. Its always "someday," and another red line crossed by the goon squad, and here we are, trying to figure out which state is the least bad option to retire in before the Hunger Games get started for real.
We point to these vapid, corrupt, good for nothings who wield political power like a club to bludgeon us, rather than as the scalpel that American political power was meant to be, and used; to whit, the crushing of crime and the criminals who foster it, and the certainty, as much as possible, that our Rights to Life, Liberty, and Happiness had at least a modicum of protection and support by our Representatives, rather than scorn from political scum and Deep state operatives who would sell their own grandmother for another week off or Federal holiday.
But they are merely the reflection of an electorate asleep with their hand on the chicken switch.
It will not stop until the People say HELL NO!
And who are the People? Strings of numbers in some database overseen by our political masters for our own supposed good?
No, they are each and everyone of us, Individuals Endowed by Their Creator with Certain Inalienable Rights.
Otherwise, this "great experiment" in self-government that started with a bang and a "Shot Heard Round the World" ends with a whimper, and we get our very own version of Stalin or Hitler or Castro, or another Obamanation that has sharper teeth.
Nay! We are not at the beginning of this long train of abuses and usurpations. We are watching the caboose we built roll past on the tracks we have laid.
The beginning of this shitshow goes back to the creation of the Federal Reserve under Woodrow Wilson, which has empowered the Fed Coats to become more and more bold in their usurpation or our Constitutional political order. Broadly speaking, from there we got Prohibition and the Roaring 20s, a "solution in search of a problem" that created vast networks of organized crime aided and abetted by crooked politicians, crooked judges, crooked cops. Even when Prohibition was repealed, the organized criminals and their friends in high places simply moved the action into other operations. Then we have the Depression era, followed closely on by WW2, giving us 4 terms of Franklin Roosevelt in the White House. Oddly enough, we saw the National Firearms Act that was sold to the American People after they hyped the crime wave across America from organized criminals and when some organized criminal gangsters broke into a National Guard depot and stole some Tommy guns. Don't forget that the Roosevelt administration was rife with avowed Communists, Post WW2 America had somewhat of a reprieve under the Eisenhower administration, but the reach of the Feds grew even stronger as the 4th branch of government know as the Administrative State, i.e., the bureaucracy, continued their entrenchment.
Then we get Camelot and JFK, family members born and bred in organized crime going back to the bootlegging era and their old man. We can thank JFK for dead Cubans who sought to overthrow Castro and get rid of Communism in their own nation. JFK let those fellas die on a beach after stabbing them in the back. Further, JFK signed off on allowing the unionization of Federal employees, making the entrenchment permanent. With JFK we get the start of the Vietnam war, and after his assassination, a full blown war in which our American servicemen performed above and beyond their call of duty to clean the clocks of the North Vietnamese military and the Viet Cong, and to effectively win that war on the ground; only to be stabbed in the back by their own leaders and representatives after they crushed the enemy during the Tet Offensive. Soldiers being spit on because of the likes of the traitorous John Fucking Kerry, who decades later would run for President! Add in the drug culture and the Sexual Devolution, and we're off to the races on some more "Progress."
On to Nixon and the espionage shenanigans that brought down a very popular president who strongly won reelection. Nixon takes the United States off the Gold Standard (!) and then... works to normalizes relations... with the Chicoms! Tricky Dick could have left well enough alone and not tried to cover up the Watergate incident, but instead he did try to cover it up and the rest is history. The take down of Tricky Dick looks tame in comparison to the take down of Trump! Don't forget baby murder in the womb, carried out by chopping babies apart before they are born or chemically burned to death with a new found "right" through "penumbras." The country ends up with the desired fill-in for Nixon, and we get Gerald Ford as place holder for Jimmy Carted winning the People over with his folksy down home wisdom; only to bring on long lines at the fuel pumps and American diplomatic hostages taken in Iran, coupled with a disastrous "rescue" attempt. On to 8 decent years of Reagan right? Well we had Iran Contra, and the creation of the NEA, and amnesty for a crap ton of illegals, and FOPA which banned the sale of new machine guns even for those who could afford the $200 Tax Stamp.
Now things roll right along with Bush Sr., the CIA hack who launched Gulf War 1 and his Thousand Points of Light, all the while forgetting that "its the economy stupid!" Daddy Bush loses, and the nation loses: we get the Clintons, enough said! Then we get Bush Jr. as some kind of "antidote" to 8 long years of the Clinton Junta; only to realize that he couldn't keep some camel jockeys out of NY City, and in response to 911 punished Americans with the Patriot Act and a long slog through both Afghanistan (just ended months ago!) and another war in Gulf 2, with almost the full approval of both parties! Bring on the Obamanation, 4 years of a failed Trump presidency (3 good years, and then his go along to get along political approach to Operation WuFlu, just about the most egregious suspension of Constitutional Rights EVER in this country!), and here we are with the Xiden regime and our Selected Pudding President!
Obviously I paint with a broad brush, and there are a lot more weeds in that swamp known as FedGov or the Washington Cartel (pick your poison) than we can hoe out; and the gators are freaking hungry!
If you've followed along, then I apologize in advance for my not brief enough synopsis.
However, there is a point to my ramblings.
Our government is corrupt, and has been for a long long time. Our institutions are in a shambles. Our nation is broke and our economy is a joke. We have a transfreak who chopped off his own pecker and pretends to be a woman... as our Surgeon General! Kids are being groomed in schools and encouraged to ruin their lives to become queers and non-binary, and to chop parts off their body at the advice of a pervert. Crime predictably has exploded as our traitor politicians have emptied many jails and prisons and put scum back on the streets to Burn Loot Murder. I could go on and on and on AND ON about the corruption and diseased immorality this nation has come under, and so could most people reading this missive.
And here we are with a shiny new semi-auto permission slip in NY to exercise a Fundamental Right, and a looming ban on all semi-autos waiting on a Senate vote and the signature of a buffoon! Which ironically enough will make the new permission slip in NY moot and old fashioned...
I mean, the Roosevelt administration purposely put a $200 dollar tax on full-autos rather than just banning them because they were afraid the SCOTUS of the time would overturn the law. And here we are with an out right BAN on all semi-autos brazenly put forward by our "representatives," after decades of ramping up "gun control," which is nothing more than People control.
We are not at the beginning of Tyranny in this nation. Its not about to "get real."
It is real, and it has been real, government abuse of its own citizens since long before I was born.
Why is anyone shocked that a brain addled retiree in the White House would go along with a raid on the home of a former president under the thinnest veneer of "legality?"
The wickedness and tyranny is right in out faces, brazen, emboldened, and paid by us the tax payer; who not only has little to no say about who runs the country anymore (thanks UniParty!) or how it is run, but an ever shrinking say in how they run their own lives!
We have become inured to this, numbed to it, accepted it, and even embraced it. It is a sickening commentary on how easily any given nation can be practically brought to its knees by the powers that be, with little to no resistance over lost Rights, lost property, lose Liberty, and lost lives.
The People are blinded by puffery and foolishness, and have lost sight of the fact that they have the power, the strength, the numbers, to stop this bullshit. Its always "someday," and another red line crossed by the goon squad, and here we are, trying to figure out which state is the least bad option to retire in before the Hunger Games get started for real.
We point to these vapid, corrupt, good for nothings who wield political power like a club to bludgeon us, rather than as the scalpel that American political power was meant to be, and used; to whit, the crushing of crime and the criminals who foster it, and the certainty, as much as possible, that our Rights to Life, Liberty, and Happiness had at least a modicum of protection and support by our Representatives, rather than scorn from political scum and Deep state operatives who would sell their own grandmother for another week off or Federal holiday.
But they are merely the reflection of an electorate asleep with their hand on the chicken switch.
It will not stop until the People say HELL NO!
And who are the People? Strings of numbers in some database overseen by our political masters for our own supposed good?
No, they are each and everyone of us, Individuals Endowed by Their Creator with Certain Inalienable Rights.
Otherwise, this "great experiment" in self-government that started with a bang and a "Shot Heard Round the World" ends with a whimper, and we get our very own version of Stalin or Hitler or Castro, or another Obamanation that has sharper teeth.
Nay! We are not at the beginning of this long train of abuses and usurpations. We are watching the caboose we built roll past on the tracks we have laid.
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