I prob paid close to 50 cents for the box of 50 as a kid, I got 25-50 cents for mowing a neighbor's lawn back then (1960's).
Edit: I used to stop at the local Mom and Pop gun shop as a young boy, say 9-10 years old, either to or from store to buy my old man a pack of smokes on an errand. Back then, no store blinked an eye at a 9 year old buying smokes, or his own .22 ammo. Those were the days.
No, back then they were all flat head 'wadcutters'.Are those the ones with a point? I need those to shoot Pigeons!
No, back then they were all flat head 'wadcutters'.
I had to be careful as a kid. Shooting songbirds and busting windows was a no no. Punishment would have gone like so- 'BB' gun smashed against a tree, broken butt stock to blister my behind all the way back to the house, and maybe even upstairs to my room.