Dr. Evil
20×102mm Vulcan
"We want a meaningful dialog" = You need to shut up and listen to everything I have to say. Your opinions mean nothing to me.
"We need common sense gun laws" = We need laws that prohibit all gun ownership.
"We don't want confiscation" = We want confiscation
"We need to ban assault weapons" = I don't know the difference between an assault rifle and a pool cue, but if it's black, it's bad.
"Gun violence kills innocent people" = I couldn't give less of a shit about the people whose lives are saved by guns.
"Sportsmen don't need assault rifles" = I don't care about sportsmen, and I don't really know what they are, much less what they shoot.
"People support gun laws" = My friends support them. I don't consider anyone who likes guns to be people.
"I don't own a gun" = I'm a coward who couldn't protect my family from a 5-year-old with a squirt gun
"I support the Second Amendment" = I don't support the Second Amendment, I just think you're stupid enough to believe me if I say I do.
"I'm a mother who supports gun control" = I have no problem exploiting my kids as a means to push my beliefs on others
"I'm a father who supports gun control" = My wife made me say that
"We need common sense gun laws" = We need laws that prohibit all gun ownership.
"We don't want confiscation" = We want confiscation
"We need to ban assault weapons" = I don't know the difference between an assault rifle and a pool cue, but if it's black, it's bad.
"Gun violence kills innocent people" = I couldn't give less of a shit about the people whose lives are saved by guns.
"Sportsmen don't need assault rifles" = I don't care about sportsmen, and I don't really know what they are, much less what they shoot.
"People support gun laws" = My friends support them. I don't consider anyone who likes guns to be people.
"I don't own a gun" = I'm a coward who couldn't protect my family from a 5-year-old with a squirt gun
"I support the Second Amendment" = I don't support the Second Amendment, I just think you're stupid enough to believe me if I say I do.
"I'm a mother who supports gun control" = I have no problem exploiting my kids as a means to push my beliefs on others
"I'm a father who supports gun control" = My wife made me say that