First rule of the club is - "Don't talk to DemonRats" .
If completely unavoidable, immediately ask them why they are anti-Semites. Regardless of their answer, just keep pounding them with '"Why are you an anti-Semite?" or "Why do you hate Jews?" or " Why do you hold Nazi beliefs? "
The evidence that they are anti-Semites is irrefutable - A quote from JJ Sefton's "Morning Report" on AofSHQ -
"Good morning kids. Thursday and lots of things are coming at us from all directions. First, the scandal and/or revelation that the Democrat Party is officially anti-Semitic continues. After attempting and failing to rhetorically cover up an engorged, herpetic tyrannosaurus penis with a translucent postage stamp in the form of a condemnation of everything but anti-semitism, the most well-known of their 2020 hopefuls have come out in full-throated support of the source of the infection, Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar. As stated by Diogenes Middle Finger only a few short weeks ago when Omar vomited up her first round of Joo-hatred:
Ilhan Omar is not "uniquely American" as a glowing New York Times profile once proclaimed. She is profoundly alien to everything your ancestors took for granted. She has showed open contempt for traditional America and is obviously working to undermine it.
Is it any wonder she has found a home in the Democrat Party, which, since Aaron Burr "colluded" with Spain to seize territory and declare his own empire, has devoted itself to undermining the republic and seizing absolute power? The only argument going on in that crime family is not disagreeing with or disavowing what she says and believes. It's about how to keep her and her ilk quiet about it. Too late. After years of fomenting America-hatred in our schools, the Leftists' chickens have come home to roost. As revolting as this is to witness, I thank Trump for it. Yes, thank him. His election and the things he has openly vowed and is trying to do, with essentially zero help from the GOP-wing of the Democrat-Left-Media complex, has made the latter drop all pretenses of who and what they are, thinking that doing so will attract the American people to their cause. And that is going to be either their undoing or ours. That is also why we are seeing the ramping up of the migrant invasion and the attempt to grant them and the upwards of 30 million foreigners already here instant citizenship and voting rights. It is important to note that none of this would have happened had, G-d forbid, Clinton been elected. Although, I imagine the first thing she and her ilk would've done would have been amnesty for every illegal alien here, with the eager help of the GOP-e, and that would've been ball game for America as we know it, or whatever vestige of it that still remains (that was the giant bullet we dodged with Obama's first 24 months of unchecked control over Congress). More on that in a moment.
So the Democrat Party is in open revolt with itself. And some of the old guard, looking to burnish their credentials with what they perceive as the strong horse are aligning themselves with an in-your-face Islamist Jew-hater, America-hater and actual terrorist sympathizer to try and elevate themselves above a crowded field of presidential hopefuls.
Circling back, in essence we have what amounts to a political entity that will disregard the law completely or use it when convenient to seize absolute power and dissolve the institutions of the founding, an opposition party that is anything but, maybe one fourth to one third of the population that supports this, one fourth to one third too clueless to know what the hell's going on and content so long as McDonald's doesn't run out of Chicken McNuggets and the rest of us plus President Donald J. Trump. Pass the popcorn and pray we won't have to pass the ammunition. "
If completely unavoidable, immediately ask them why they are anti-Semites. Regardless of their answer, just keep pounding them with '"Why are you an anti-Semite?" or "Why do you hate Jews?" or " Why do you hold Nazi beliefs? "
The evidence that they are anti-Semites is irrefutable - A quote from JJ Sefton's "Morning Report" on AofSHQ -

"Good morning kids. Thursday and lots of things are coming at us from all directions. First, the scandal and/or revelation that the Democrat Party is officially anti-Semitic continues. After attempting and failing to rhetorically cover up an engorged, herpetic tyrannosaurus penis with a translucent postage stamp in the form of a condemnation of everything but anti-semitism, the most well-known of their 2020 hopefuls have come out in full-throated support of the source of the infection, Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar. As stated by Diogenes Middle Finger only a few short weeks ago when Omar vomited up her first round of Joo-hatred:
Ilhan Omar is not "uniquely American" as a glowing New York Times profile once proclaimed. She is profoundly alien to everything your ancestors took for granted. She has showed open contempt for traditional America and is obviously working to undermine it.
Is it any wonder she has found a home in the Democrat Party, which, since Aaron Burr "colluded" with Spain to seize territory and declare his own empire, has devoted itself to undermining the republic and seizing absolute power? The only argument going on in that crime family is not disagreeing with or disavowing what she says and believes. It's about how to keep her and her ilk quiet about it. Too late. After years of fomenting America-hatred in our schools, the Leftists' chickens have come home to roost. As revolting as this is to witness, I thank Trump for it. Yes, thank him. His election and the things he has openly vowed and is trying to do, with essentially zero help from the GOP-wing of the Democrat-Left-Media complex, has made the latter drop all pretenses of who and what they are, thinking that doing so will attract the American people to their cause. And that is going to be either their undoing or ours. That is also why we are seeing the ramping up of the migrant invasion and the attempt to grant them and the upwards of 30 million foreigners already here instant citizenship and voting rights. It is important to note that none of this would have happened had, G-d forbid, Clinton been elected. Although, I imagine the first thing she and her ilk would've done would have been amnesty for every illegal alien here, with the eager help of the GOP-e, and that would've been ball game for America as we know it, or whatever vestige of it that still remains (that was the giant bullet we dodged with Obama's first 24 months of unchecked control over Congress). More on that in a moment.
So the Democrat Party is in open revolt with itself. And some of the old guard, looking to burnish their credentials with what they perceive as the strong horse are aligning themselves with an in-your-face Islamist Jew-hater, America-hater and actual terrorist sympathizer to try and elevate themselves above a crowded field of presidential hopefuls.
Circling back, in essence we have what amounts to a political entity that will disregard the law completely or use it when convenient to seize absolute power and dissolve the institutions of the founding, an opposition party that is anything but, maybe one fourth to one third of the population that supports this, one fourth to one third too clueless to know what the hell's going on and content so long as McDonald's doesn't run out of Chicken McNuggets and the rest of us plus President Donald J. Trump. Pass the popcorn and pray we won't have to pass the ammunition. "