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A new bill would forgive the student debt of health-care workers fighting coronavirus
On Tuesday, New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney proposed a bill that would eliminate the student debt of health-care workers treating coronavirus patients.
The Student Loan Forgiveness for Frontline Health Workers Act, co-signed by nine other House Democrats, would forgive the outstanding balance of interest and principal due on the federal and private student loans of qualifying frontline health-care workers.
Holy sweet Jesus, this is going to f us if the democrats get their way on this sort of rank nonsense. Doctors, too? So $300k in debt gone because a doctor actually did their job?
It's important we level set here. We have not asked any health care workers to treat people with the black plague. We are asking them to do things they were trained for. We don't give firemen hazard pay for going into a burning building. It's a damn job. They trained for this. Infectious disease is nothing new, and this isn't some airborne zombie plague, either. Moreover, the vast majority of these workers have not had a pay cut during this, which I can't say for a lot of the rest of the country. I'm sorry, they don't need debt forgiveness.
I assume this bill goes nowhere, but the republican stance that dems are trying to use this to turn us into a socialist country is supported by an awful lot of evidence.