.308 Win
AAR Sentinel Concepts CHE
Blue Mountain Sportsmans Center, Cortlandt Manor, NY
June 22 & 23, 2019
Blue Mountain Sportsmans Center, Cortlandt Manor, NY
June 22 & 23, 2019
• G17, Holosun 507C, Ameriglo 3 Dot Tritium
• Speer Lawman 115gr fmj (approx. 700 rounds),
• OEM magazines
• RCS Eidolon run AIWB, full concealment
• Blue Alpha Gear Hybrid EDC Belt
• Milt Spark single mag pouch, other random double mag pouches to keep single pouch fed
• Ankle IFAK
• Axil GhostStryke Bluetooth ear pro
Prior Experience:
Civilian who carries a gun daily and loves to shoot competitively. Previous classes with Onsight Firearms Training, Chris Fry (MDTS), Clint Smith (Thunder Ranch), Karl Rehn (KR Training), Mas Ayoob (MAG) and I’m probably forgetting someone else.
The class was hosted by Onsight Firearms training at the Blue Mountain Sportsmans Center. I have taken numerous classes with Ben from OFT and while he is a solid instructor, this weekend he was the gracious host and a great person to deal with. The range was basic (approx. 25 yds), with a good front berm with a mountain behind that, and concrete walls on the two sides. There was a covered area with seating for grabbing lunch and to reload mags and hydrate. The restrooms were proximal to the shooting area and were port-a-johns. The range does have a rather late start time on Sundays (11am).
Class Demographics:
15 shooters. I think 2 or 3 LE, and the rest civilians. The majority of shooters ran OWBs unconcealed. All shooters were safe and vetted by OFT through previous coursework as the class was invite only. This is another really good reason to take classes with OFT. To get access to other top tier instructors.
Course Overview:
There are a few folks that I really want to train with due to their demonstrated knowledge, and Steve Fisher was one of them. I was not disappointed in this training class in the least. In addition to the shooting, during down times, Steve was open to all type of questions gear related and I took full advantage to ask him a fair amount of questions ranging from ankle holsters for a med kit to a scope recommendation for a F-Class rifle.
The class started with a cold 10 rounds from 25 yards at a B8 target. It was a very good way to knock folks into reality regarding shooting ability (I don’t mean that in a negative way). The lowly B8 will be making a regular appearance in my range sessions from this point forward. Time was spent on diagnosing/coaching grips and trigger work.
The range work progressed in a logical path, pushing folks along the way and progress was seen across the board by the end of the two days. Steve was able to read the crowd quite well and we ended up calling it a day a bit before the scheduled end time, but that honestly didn’t bother me a bit. On my last string of fire, I could identify my own mental fatigue and I’m assuming others were in the same boat.
His diagnosing of shooter issues (with or without RDS) was great and for myself, he helped a bunch and I have a fair amount of homework to do on my own.
Gear Issues:
I had no issues (malfunctions) with any of my gear in this class. Having said that, I learned a lot regarding the reticle on the Holosun. While the plain circle was fast for close distance shooting, for me, it sucked at 25 yds, which is where the plain dot shined. So for me, I think it will stay on the plain dot setting.
Take Aways:
There were quite a few things that I took away from this class.
1) We in my region, are fortunate that OFT brings in instructors like Steve and Super Dave. Its rather rare in the “downstate” NY area to have access to top tier instructors.
2) My accuracy is not where I want it to be, as I typically gauged it against an IDPA A zone for competition purposes versus a 2” dot, but I left with the tools to work on it. My previous concept of good enough isn't.
3) I would recommend this class to anyone; and
4) I’m pretty sure Steve is fueled by Monster Energy, cigars and bourbon.
Thank you again @OnSight Firearms Training for giving us folks the opportunity to train with people of the level of Steve
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