Multiply that by millions.The young kid was dumbfounded “ I just blindly chose a side without taking facts into consideration”
Well, they should know a thing or two about that.the liberals will call this a setup and these are crisis actors
the liberals will call this a setup and these are crisis actors
Hey libtards, pull your heads out of your asses.
they can't .. taste like tide pods .. worse then crack lol
Seig Heil! The Grammar Nazi strikes!One thing I didn’t like is that the tone of the argument is very defensive. “Handguns account for 80% of mass shootings.”
So do we really want them to restrict handguns more? We shouldn’t be holding off the tide of gun grabbers, we should be arguing for why they’re dangerous in how far they’ve come already and why we should be putting the law back to levels the founding fathers intended.
The argument I’d to see is “Why have an estimated six times AS many people been killed by their own government than in battle?” Democide - Wikipedia
Then I’d like to see them try to make an argument why people should not be allowed to arm up to the level of the average G.I.
Seig Heil! The Grammar Nazi strikes!
And exactly what TV station do you think will let them get that type of message out there??Amazing how you cannot legitimately argue against simple facts. Although the professional leftists counter with all of their emotional responses to try and Divergent the conversation.
We need to get more of this stuff out there.
I don't watch much regular TV, but how come the Beloved NRA is not running commercials like these to inform more of the sheeple?
If they paid, I'm sure they would air. And I doubt Fox News wood give them a hard time.And exactly what TV station do you think will let them get that type of message out there??
They actually do run these types of commercials, along with others but it is on their TV channel.