6.5 Creedmoor
Busted Antonio! 

The commies want this ass clown to take John Faso's seat??? WTF? Couldn't pick a better psychopath to prove who these fruit loops really are. 

Of the 39 house seats that the DNC, Bloomberg, Soros, Shannon Watts, Gabby Gifford, and every anti-2A group plans to flip, this is their sought after NY target. They moved "AD the Voice" in to Dutchess County's Rhinebeck just after Trump was inaugurated, in fact they had him filed to run and had more money than god in his campaign within a month of carpetbagging into NY.Busted Antonio!The commies want this ass clown to take John Faso's seat??? WTF? Couldn't pick a better psychopath to prove who these fruit loops really are.