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A stunning development on the legal front that directly impacts the so-called conspiracy theory that the death of Seth Rich was something more than routine street crime. The FBI now admits it has Seth Rich’s laptop.
After three years of claiming that it could not find any records about murdered Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich, the FBI admitted today that it has thousands of pages of information about him, further admitting that it has custody of his laptop.

HUGE: After 4 Years of Stonewalling Corrupt FBI Finally Admits They're Holding Seth Rich's Laptop | The Gateway Pundit | by Larry Johnson
A stunning development on the legal front that directly impacts the so-called conspiracy theory that the death of Seth Rich was something more than routine street crime.

FBI changes story, finally admits it has thousands of pages of documents about Seth Rich
After three years of claiming that it could not find any records about murdered Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich, the FBI admitted today that it has thousands of pages of informatio…