I've been reading about counseling on college campuses in the wake of yesterday's election. I've been on the losing side of many elections and never needed counseling. A couple generations back, 18 year olds were storming the beaches of Normandy. Now they need safe spaces to deal with a peaceful election.
So let me address the special snowflake/entitlement mentality on our campuses and with some of our young people with a newsflash to them:
Every new generation has access to information and technology that previous generations didn't. This isn't the same thing as wisdom. You are not anymore special than any other demographic. You have potential, but you have not accomplished anything yet. The people who came before you know stuff you don't. That doesn't mean they're right. It just means you shouldn't assume they're wrong.
You don't "deserve" to not be offended. You should have the fortitude to hear something and shrug it off. You don't deserve good grades that keep your fragile self-worth intact. You earn those. When you graduate, you won't "deserve" a job. If you are lucky enough to get one, you won't get to decide when you work or what you work on. That's true of CEOs and it's true of you. So show up on time. Be prepared. Spend more time doing what's asked of you & less time complaining about it. Work harder than your boss. Don't make excuses. Prove yourselves.
I honestly believe that the self-esteem movement and the coddling of young people has ruined them. Life is hard. If more people were honest about that in preparing and mentoring young people, maybe there wouldn't be so many scarred when they are confronted by reality. Maybe we wouldn't have so many people hooked on narcotics trying to escape the world.
These dumbasses just don't get it do they? They throw a tanturm and burn dumpsters, we stay quiet, stock ammo and arms and train. They will be in for they shock of their lives if the order they protest against now were to disappear. They are rabid mice biting the ankles of a patient polar bear.