Hey, if there are any Brandon fanboys still left on here... go fuck yourself.Meanwhile the real crime occurring in plane sight
LAWLESS: Joe Biden Mulling Granting Amnesty to Over 1 MILLION Illegal Aliens By Executive Order Ahead of the 2024 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger
Joe Biden is strongly considering granting over one million illegal aliens amnesty by the stroke of a pen just in time for the 2024 Presidential election and amid the worst immigration crisis in American history.www.thegatewaypundit.com
She might be a MEGA supporterNY douchebag, surprised the wife wasnt freaking out blaming the cop for something
C'mon man you know the thing FL isn't a sanctuary state likeland
Hey, if there are any Brandon fanboys still left on here... go fuck yourself.
Should let the hard hats loose on the Gaza protesters like they did to the hippies in the 60's.
would love to see shit pants do this
Ironic this was in the "Keys."C'mon man you know the thing FL isn't a sanctuary state likeland
I’m hearing the same from many. I’m not hearing they have committed to vote for Trump and some say they won’t but they will not be voting or won’t vote for Biden. Many are disgusted about the trans gendered crap and the hit women are taking from it with men being able to say they are women entering women’s sports, pushing this agenda, and the cost to allow these people to transition. Many I know don’t support it but condone care what others do but now you’re being forced to support it or celebrate it and not just allow it. It will get worse.I've got quite a few family and friends who've been never Trumpers that have mocked me, ridiculed me and received the same in return from me. There are now at least a few of them who are changing their tune. They are still not saying they're Trump supporters, but they are now saying they're never again Biden voters.
They are disgusted and fed up with the current state of affairs and are at the bare minimum considering voting for Orange Man Bad. If they're saying that to me, I think that'll be empowering enough for them to actually pull that proverbial lever behind the curtain in November.
And yet I still know who counts the votes. So my hopeful wishes are not only tempered, they're non-existent, until I'm proven wrong. And even that would take until the January inauguration to confirm it's factual.
Ok...this will require more explanation.
Give this a listen. Attorney Todd Calendar discusses his research into the matter.Ok...this will require more explanation.
What is wrong with "SO HELP ME GOD."???
People are allowed to use that in their Oath, just like they are also allowed to NOT use it.
You don't have to swear on a Bible.
This sounds like more of the b.s. being bandied about regarding S.S. numbers and taxes. Someone is trying to claim an oath isn't binding because of the wrong font? And this somehow completely invalidates each and every decision a person makes?
You hear that? That's the sound of his poll numbers going up... again.View attachment 234105
Judge Merchan Holds Donald Trump in Criminal Contempt for Gag Order Violations, Threatens Jail Time
New York County Judge Juan Merchan has ruled that former President Donald Trump violated a gag order during his trial.www.breitbart.com