.475 A&M Magnum
Isreal has been saying that Iran is only months away from making nukes since 1982. WTF is that all about? They have been pushing for A US war with Iran for decades
Isreal has been saying that Iran is only months away from making nukes since 1982. WTF is that all about? They have been pushing for A US war with Iran for decades
They were probably saying this about Iraq, not Iran. They bombed Iraqi reactor without our help.
You are just arguing for the sake of arguing. You don't even make any point. Democrat Jewish politicians crapped in your soup, don't take it out on Israel. Israelis supported Trump, BTW.
I rather like Israel, they stand up for themselves and made a decent country out of the harsh desert amongst hostile neighbors.
What gets me is the cowardly American Jews who don't have the balls to fight themselves but try to yoke the United States into fighting another country's wars. All the while profiteering by controlling our media and financial industries... and voting for crooks like Hillary, Schumer, and Cuomo. In a properly run country that'd be treason.
If the Leftist Democrat Jews hate America so much then they should do the right thing and move to Israel but they're hypocrites. Call them at it and watch how fast you're called anti-semantic and the Nazis/Holocaust comes up 15 seconds later. Speak truth to power and get yourself fired in a heartbeat.
At least the Brighton girls give good head.
You are not just an anti-Semite, you are a CLASSIC anti-Semite. There was only one Jewish presidential candidate that I can remember and he was very critical of interventionist foreign policy. CNN is owned by a gentile who hates Israel. Considering that most Jews live in urban areas, it's not surprising that the majority will vote for the democrats and as such they didn't support the war in Iraq. There goes your whole theory. Just because you can find Jews involved in any movement, a case can be made that movement is driven by Jews. That's the foundation of Antisemitism. Unfortunately people like you are often found in the positions of power and take out their hatred and envy on unsuspecting people who have nothing to do with their problems. I faced that in the military back in the 80's, so I learned my lesson early on. What's really laughable is when these lowlifes starts portraying themselves as victims.
I don't hate or envy Jews. Who has been pushing the USA to fight Iran... the Protestants?
If anything you're the classic Zionist, where any criticism or simply noticing the obvious is "hate". Why not decide which country you love most and live there, walk the walk and fight for what you believe in? Sending some Gentile farm kid from Iowa to fight a proxy war for Israel is plain wrong.
If your pro American, your anti Semitic . If I complain that Jewish politicians in the US are loyal to Israel then Im an anti Semite ( which really Im not) I don't care about Israel, but I don't care about Jordan or Somalia either . They have no major economy , they have very little strategic importance and if the US was supporting Tunis in the same way I sure would not be Ok with that either. and Im not anti Tuni, I can care less about them or the Jordanians . I care about Americans ( real American Jews included) Im not religious, so I don't care what form of religion people practice. As A race the Jewish people are some of the smartest people in this country , very intelligent people , So Im not a raciest when it comes to Jews . But I sure as hell don't support US politicians placing Israel before the US . If Im a raciest or anti Semite for that whatever, Ill roll with it . somebody has to point this shit out. Israel is not worth any American lives . Syria is not worth any American lives , Iraq wasn't really worth any American lives. The oil fields in the Mideast are the only thing of strategic value there . and Israel has none.
Whattttt???In international politics there can only be one reason? That's your argument?
The pipe line certainly gives value to overthrowing Assad wouldn't you say? It also denies Russia of a former Allie, It removes an enemy of Israel from power ( Assad) Just like Saddam Hussein, Quadaffi, . Nobody said there has to only be one reason to overthrow Syria , that's 4th grade logic.