I have been perusing the selection of grips offered by Altamont (Smith & Wesson J Frame (Small) Round Butt Revolver Grips | Altamont Company)for the aforementioned revolver. At the moment the gun wears the factory rubber grips but I prefer wood. The “Altai” and he “Combat” models are what I am currently leaning towards as they seem to be concealable yet offer a full grip. According to the customer service representative at S&W, Altamont makes the grips for the model 60 pro which I have always liked.
Anyhow, what are your preferences in revolver grips. Smooth? Checkered? What would you put on a 3” jframe?
Anyhow, what are your preferences in revolver grips. Smooth? Checkered? What would you put on a 3” jframe?