20×102mm Vulcan
American Medical Association Proposes More Anti-Gun “Solutions” at Its Annual Meeting
At its annual meeting in Chicago last week, the American Medical Association (AMA) expanded on its list of proposed “common-sense solutions” to the problem of “gun violence” that it has been proposing for years. AMA’s former president, David O. Barbe, M.D., claimed that gun violence is a public health crisis:
People are dying of gun violence in our homes, churches, schools, on street corners and at public gatherings, and it’s important that lawmakers, policy leaders and advocates on all sides seek common ground to address this public health crisis. In emergency rooms across the country the carnage of gun violence has become a too routine experience. Every day physicians are treating suicide victims, victims of domestic violence, and men and women simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. It doesn’t have to be this way, and we urge lawmakers to act.
Inexplicably missing from Barbe’s comments was any mention of victims of car crashes being treated in emergency rooms (more than 37,000 die every year as a result of them in the United States), poisoning (more than 47,000 a year die from overdoses), or unintentional falls (more than 33,000 deaths). Perhaps it’s because automobiles are already registered, bottles of rat poison are commonly available at Amazon and recipes for making it are available on the Internet, and ladders aren’t considered “assault weapons.”
But the AMA persists in offering its anti-gun “solutions” anyway, including 1) expanding ERPOs (extreme risk protection orders) and GVROs (gun violence restraining orders) to include not only family members but household visitors and dating partners; 2) prohibiting anyone under a domestic violence restraining order, convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence crime or stalking from possessing a firearm; 3) those under such orders have their data entered into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System; and 4) demanding that every school in the country be a “gun free zone” while opposing any school board’s requirements or incentives offered to teachers to carry weapons on campus.
But the biggest expansion of previously recommended incursions into precious rights is this: Delegates at the annual meeting supported banning “the sale and ownership to the public of all assault-type weapons, bump stocks and related devices, high-capacity magazines and armor-piercing bullets.” The AMA’s House of Delegates (HOD) went even further, demanding the licensing of every owner of a firearm in the country, and the registration of every firearm owned in the country.
Not content with these egregious breaches of Second- and Fourth Amendment-protected rights, the AMA’s HOD supported banning the possession and use of firearms and ammunition by “unsupervised youths under the age of 21.” Finally, the HOD opposed “concealed carry reciprocity” bills pending in Congress.
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American Medical Association Proposes More Anti-Gun “Solutions” at Its Annual Meeting
At its annual meeting in Chicago last week, the American Medical Association (AMA) expanded on its list of proposed “common-sense solutions” to the problem of “gun violence” that it has been proposing for years. AMA’s former president, David O. Barbe, M.D., claimed that gun violence is a public health crisis:
People are dying of gun violence in our homes, churches, schools, on street corners and at public gatherings, and it’s important that lawmakers, policy leaders and advocates on all sides seek common ground to address this public health crisis. In emergency rooms across the country the carnage of gun violence has become a too routine experience. Every day physicians are treating suicide victims, victims of domestic violence, and men and women simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. It doesn’t have to be this way, and we urge lawmakers to act.
Inexplicably missing from Barbe’s comments was any mention of victims of car crashes being treated in emergency rooms (more than 37,000 die every year as a result of them in the United States), poisoning (more than 47,000 a year die from overdoses), or unintentional falls (more than 33,000 deaths). Perhaps it’s because automobiles are already registered, bottles of rat poison are commonly available at Amazon and recipes for making it are available on the Internet, and ladders aren’t considered “assault weapons.”
But the AMA persists in offering its anti-gun “solutions” anyway, including 1) expanding ERPOs (extreme risk protection orders) and GVROs (gun violence restraining orders) to include not only family members but household visitors and dating partners; 2) prohibiting anyone under a domestic violence restraining order, convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence crime or stalking from possessing a firearm; 3) those under such orders have their data entered into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System; and 4) demanding that every school in the country be a “gun free zone” while opposing any school board’s requirements or incentives offered to teachers to carry weapons on campus.
But the biggest expansion of previously recommended incursions into precious rights is this: Delegates at the annual meeting supported banning “the sale and ownership to the public of all assault-type weapons, bump stocks and related devices, high-capacity magazines and armor-piercing bullets.” The AMA’s House of Delegates (HOD) went even further, demanding the licensing of every owner of a firearm in the country, and the registration of every firearm owned in the country.
Not content with these egregious breaches of Second- and Fourth Amendment-protected rights, the AMA’s HOD supported banning the possession and use of firearms and ammunition by “unsupervised youths under the age of 21.” Finally, the HOD opposed “concealed carry reciprocity” bills pending in Congress.
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American Medical Association Proposes More Anti-Gun “Solutions” at Its Annual Meeting