Frank is careful to follow the law.
I usually use Franks in Canastota, but he will be shutting down this year. So the hunt is on for a new one.
Thanks for the info @MikeyCNY I wasn't aware of Frank's plans. I will not be involved in the raffle again except peripherally, but I will pass the information along to the real operators. Pulaski seems like it's too far away from our marketing target to be practical, but that decision will not be mine.!!! That's who Camden uses for their gun raffle.. @1911guy @wizrd did you hear about this? Hate to see him go, heard nothing but good things but never make it out there. I can try to reach out to Skip at Sharpshooters in Pulaski to see if he'd be willing to work with the club. They worked with the Marine Corp League LZ Old Corp Det 999 for their July raffle so he might be. I know he's taking time off in July..