As much as I hate zoos this lawsuit is just stupid. Why don’t these people go fight poaching in Africa or put their effort into something that would actually make a difference.
A few things.......
Giving animals rights is just dumb. They cannot speak, so their "rights" will be left up to screaming lesbians.
I absolutely hate zoos, all zoos.
On that, believe it or not, the Bronx zoo is as good as zoos can be. They, along with others, have pioneered the "proper" way to house animals and run a zoo.
They have very few cages and have rather large enclosures. They have well trained keepers and a great veterinary staff.
Now on the elephants......
Elephants are strange beasts.
Some love and need constant companionship from other elephants. Others want ZERO contact with other elephants. Elephants in the wild kill other elephants all the time. Nobody knows for sure why, but it happens.
It also happens in captivity quite often, nobody knows exactly why.
The staff at the Brox zoo know their animals and know the proper way to keep them.
Now, my opinion is to send all captive elephants back to Africa.
Elephants are one of the few animals that can thrive in the wild even after 30+ years in captivity.
Anyways, zoos suck and should be closed.
Not forced to close......the zoo officials should do it if they truly love animals and not just money. The large percentage of zooed animals become physically and mentally ill at far greater numbers that wild animals. From migratory patterns, to obtaining food and mating, captive animals constantly need to fight their instincts.
Kind of like humans in solitary confinement for long periods of time, they go crazy.