Richmond protesters surround Confederate statue on Monument Avenue
Aug 24, 2017 #1 Doc8404 .450/400 Nitro Ex Messages 13,551 Reaction score 24,105 Location Oneida County NY Richmond protesters surround Confederate statue on Monument Avenue
Aug 24, 2017 #2 Grimscale .338 Win Mag Messages 7,197 Reaction score 13,790 Location Rochester If all they are doing is protesting what they view as a racist statue, why the need to hide their face?
If all they are doing is protesting what they view as a racist statue, why the need to hide their face?
Aug 24, 2017 #3 GTN .308 Win Messages 3,389 Reaction score 4,764 Location Livingston County peaceful my ass "The noisy crowd accosted members of the media filming and live streaming the event. "Hey CBS, you're endangering lives right now," one protester said. "Don't [expletive] film!" another protester shouted. "Don't [expletive] film!" The crowd then began to chant the message and a man on a bike attempted to grab a WTVR CBS 6 camera."
peaceful my ass "The noisy crowd accosted members of the media filming and live streaming the event. "Hey CBS, you're endangering lives right now," one protester said. "Don't [expletive] film!" another protester shouted. "Don't [expletive] film!" The crowd then began to chant the message and a man on a bike attempted to grab a WTVR CBS 6 camera."