.45 acp

Anti-violence organizations hold toy gun exchange this week
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — This week, children can exchange their toy guns for a non-violent toy in efforts to teach children about the dangers of guns. They hope that having fewer guns on the pl…

I'm sorry, but this has to be the stupidest f'ing idea I have ever seen. Growing up my friends and I all had realistic cap guns, water guns, etc. We played cops-n-robbers, army, cowboys and indians, etc.
None of us went on to become gun crazy killers.
You know what else we had? *Parents* (plural) who taught us right from wrong, violence is the absolute last resort, it is wrong to take something that is not yours, and if you want something you get a job and work for it.
Blaming the toys is just avoiding the uncomfortable truth.