.45 acp

I am not a Constitutional scholar, I could be wrong, but does this vacate everything the 2nd Circuit wrote and reset the case to Judge Suddaby's decision? If so, that would put much of the CCIA on hold and return carry rights back to pre-CCIA for the most part.
Until the 2nd pulled some other stunt like they have so far with this case.
This is what is known as a GVR; Grant Cert, Vacate the most recent decision and Remand back to the 2nd in light of the stated case (Rahimi).
Rahimi was not a loss for general carry rights, it only upheld laws that took carry rights away after due process. In fact it re-stated that Bruen gave carry rights to the citizenry and that taking away rights from a adjudicated dangerous person was not an opportunity to take away rights generally.