.450/400 Nitro Ex
Can you show us a pic? I bet if you opened all those hoppes at once it would be an amazing high.
Mix some Ballistol in there and you'll get an explosion!
Can you show us a pic? I bet if you opened all those hoppes at once it would be an amazing high.
Just an update- fingerprinting is currently postponed at the Putnam County Sheriff office.
Putnam County Sheriff's Department - Sheriff Kevin McConville
I am trying to find out if the Clerk is still doing amendments, based on a press release as of 3/21 I think so but I'm not sure how one would pick up the amended permit.
Putnam County DMV Office Will Be Closed To The Public. All Scheduled Appointments Are Cancelled. The Putnam County Clerk’s Office Will Remain Closed To The Public - Putnam County Online
Please note that Executive Order 202.8 of NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo states the following to be in effect from March 20, 2020 until April 19, 2020: The extension of validity of any Driver’s License, Non-Driver Identification or registration expiring on or after March 1, 2020 The extension
"The Putnam County Clerk’s Office remains closed to the public. Patrons should use the drop box located outside the County Office Building for routine pistol permit transactions, business certificate filings, judgment transcript filings, non-emergency court filings, notary public renewals, land recordings. We will process these items as soon as possible. "
I recently spoke with the Sheriff office in Broome County and although they are closed anyone myself included that turned in everything for a pistol permit before the office closed is still moving forward with reviews and given to the county Court judges. So that's good news at least.
Congratulations! Glad you were able to get your permit. Did you have to have a pistol on it for you application?In Dutchess county I submitted my app second week of January, did my prints 2 weeks later. This past Saturday received my letter that my license was ready to be picked up, called office they are closed. Sent an email in asking what I should do they said mail the 5$ fee in and they will mail me my license. So some things are shut down but they’re still doing some stuff thankfully.
Thank you! I am excited, and no Dutchess county does not require that, I am however going to be contacting an ffl once my license comes in to see if they will do a transfer. My friend is going to sell me his Glock 26 gen 4 I’m just hoping they are doing amendments with all that’s going on.Congratulations! Glad you were able to get your permit. Did you have to have a pistol on it for you application?