Sara Spa Rod & Gun Club in Greenfield.
Dates are up on the Club website for a variety of practice matches that are open to non-members! The cost is very reasonable!
At this time there is only one CMP Rimfire Sporter practice match, looking to add more! This is a great match for Appleseed shooters to use want you have learned!
The F-Class rifle ( Belly Benchrest ) at 200 yards has added a Rimfire 100 yards class, this should be a lot of fun and challenging!!
If you don't have a Military style ( M-1 Gerand MSR ) sporter rifles are good to go! We just want to have folks shooting and having a good/ safe time!!
Photo above is from this past weekend Appleseed Shoot on our 50 yard range.
Dates are up on the Club website for a variety of practice matches that are open to non-members! The cost is very reasonable!
At this time there is only one CMP Rimfire Sporter practice match, looking to add more! This is a great match for Appleseed shooters to use want you have learned!
The F-Class rifle ( Belly Benchrest ) at 200 yards has added a Rimfire 100 yards class, this should be a lot of fun and challenging!!
If you don't have a Military style ( M-1 Gerand MSR ) sporter rifles are good to go! We just want to have folks shooting and having a good/ safe time!!
Photo above is from this past weekend Appleseed Shoot on our 50 yard range.