.338 Win Mag
Cheaperthandick! The worst of the worst right there! Please do give that info out to peeps, idgaf! LolzCheaperthandirt
Im Watching
Cheaperthandick! The worst of the worst right there! Please do give that info out to peeps, idgaf! LolzCheaperthandirt
Im Watching
Whoaaa whoaaaaaaaaa...I was unaware your balls had a price tsgCheaper than my balls. The worst of the worst right there! Please do give that info out to peeps, idgaf! Lolz
Why you Gotta be so quick to be always quoting me after I change my mind in a split second and reword things you bastard!Whoaaa whoaaaaaaaaa...I was unaware your balls had a price tsg
PewpewWhy you Gotta be so quick to be always quoting me after I change my mind in a split second and reword things you bastard!
Ha Ha Those douchebags?Cheaperthandirt
Im Watching
You didn't answer the question.Lol did someone get a line from 6th grade?
Funny. That was the site I was talking about. I received an email from them saying that they will no longer ship to me. Maybe they've since changed? I don't care anymore.Cheaperthandick! The worst of the worst right there! Please do give that info out to peeps, idgaf! Lolz
There was a question?You didn't answer the question.